Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,17

I just might miss all of this,” she said.

“There will be other balls to go to in Virginia,” Malcolm said.

“I know, but it won’t be quite the same,” she said.

“Well it could be if you let me escort you to every one of them.” He smiled at her, that adorable smile that made a dimple form on his cheek. She tried to ignore his comment.

“Sometimes I feel like everyone is staring at us. Do you feel the same?” He glanced around the room and noticed a group of young ladies were whispering and gawking at them.

“No, not at all,” he looked back at Johanna.

She smiled back at him.

“Oh, there is Rene. I would like you to meet him, he’s a good friend of mine,” said Malcolm.

“Oh, but I have already.” It was too late. Malcolm pulled her in Rene’s direction without waiting for Johanna’s answer.

“Rene, it’s great to see you,” Malcolm shook his hand.

“Malcolm, thought you were with the North and Lee?” Rene questioned with a smile.

“Oh I am, with Lee that is. I actually have taken on a new assignment for him,” he looked down at Johanna. “Meet my new charge, Johanna Lee.”

“Oh, we have met earlier. I think I scared her off though, she wouldn’t tell me her name,” Rene smiled at Johanna triumphantly. “I know it now.”

“Hands off Rene, there are plenty of women here to choose from and Miss Lee is not one of them.”

Rene laughed. Johanna was extremely uncomfortable with the men who were talking to each other as if she was not in attendance.

“Excuse me, I am going to see a friend I just noticed across the room,” and Johanna gracefully yet quickly left their presence.

She couldn’t believe men behaved this way, and she couldn’t believe they were behaving this way towards her. No one ever paid attention to her like this. Not ever. It was a mix of excitement and one of confusion. She hadn’t really seen a friend; she just needed to get away. She thought maybe air would help her clear her head.

Johanna gazed into the moonlit sky as she stood on the balcony overlooking the garden. She could hear the whispers of ladies gossiping about Rene’s good looks and wondering if he would show up at all since he had left West Point. Johanna laughed to herself about the nonsense of women. Little did they know if they would actually go into the ballroom they would find him there searching for his new conquest.

She focused on the music playing behind her in the ballroom where Malcolm was left a moment ago with Rene chatting like school boys. A soft breeze tickled the nape of her neck. Her heart never feeling such conflicting emotions, David was on her mind again. She closed her eyes and began to think back of the moment he had kissed her. It seemed so long ago, but in reality only a couple of days. Where had he gone? Had he felt it too? There was no moment of the day that went by that she didn’t think of him. He probably went back to his family, to his life without her, to the girl his mother wanted him to marry. She wouldn’t even entertain the thought of him being dead from Malcolm’s blow.

“No,” she thought, “I will not ruin my sweet memories of a stolen moment with disappointing realism.” She willed herself to only think of the most romantic experience she had ever had, the only romantic experience she had ever had. And the sad thing was it was someone with she vowed to hate. She kept her eyes shut to bring the moment closer to her, David closer to her. And then she heard a voice of familiarity.

“Southern Beauty, my head still hurts from the knockout kiss you gave me,” David said.

Johanna’s eyes fluttered open, but she was too afraid to turn around. Was this her imagination or was David behind her? She stared into the heavens silently praying he was indeed standing behind her, yet conflicted with feeling afraid for her uncle. She held her breath, and she gripped onto the railing of the balcony with her gloved hand to prevent herself from falling, for her legs felt like they were going to buckle beneath her.

David walked up to her, afraid to touch her for she might disappear like his reoccurring dreams of her. I love her. I love her. His hand slowly reached her shoulder, hesitating, and then put it down again at Copyright 2016 - 2024