Sounds of Silence - Candace Wondrak Page 0,88

on, if he and Michelle had somehow planned this. Maybe I was dreaming, and this was my mind’s pathetic attempt at making everything right.

His apartment was unlocked, and he released my hand after he’d opened the door, allowing me to step inside, first. I did, and what I saw was the last thing I expected.

Or, should I say, who I saw.

Calum was there, too. He’d been sitting on the couch, but the moment I walked in, he leaped to his feet, staring at me with an expression I could not read. Behind me, Mason came in, shutting the door and locking me in here with the both of them.

What was going on? Why was Calum here? And Mason…none of this made sense.

Calum wore a nice button-down shirt, its black color in sharp contrast to the lightness of his hair. His blue eyes radiated a warmth that made me squirm, and I found myself taking a step back, backing myself up into Mason’s chest. That only caused me to jerk away, to put distance between me and Mason, to move to a place in the apartment where I could stand and stare at them both.

“What is this?” I asked, my voice shaking, trembling with each and every word.

“This,” Calum spoke, moving to stand beside Mason, “is us not giving up on you, Bree.” He gestured between them, as if they were now friends, or something equally as ridiculous.

My heart hammered, and I wanted to turn around, to run out of this apartment. My nerves made me want to rush to the bathroom and get sick. My body didn’t know how to react.

It was Mason’s turn to talk. He glanced at Calum before saying, “Basically, this is us telling you that we don’t accept what you said last night. We’re not done. Neither of us are going to let you push us away—and neither is your sister.” He looked at Calum again, adding, “Remind me to thank your brother for that.”

So Calum talked to his brother, who then asked Michelle to help? What the heck…did everyone go behind my back to set this up? Why? I really wasn’t worth it.

My emotions warred inside me, threatening to burst. “Why?” It was all I could say, the only word that would come out.

The two men met eyes, something unspoken between them, and I stood there, dumbstruck, wondering how the hell this was happening. Surely this had to be a dream. Surely. This couldn’t be real. No frigging way.

“We’ve discussed that, actually,” Calum spoke, bringing that blue gaze to me, drowning me with the seriousness there.

“Short version is, we’re both falling in love with you,” Mason said, though his words earned him a scowl from Calum.

“Dude, I wanted to be the one to tell her—”

Mason shrugged. “Too late now, isn’t it?”

They went back and forth for a little while, and I could not believe it. Literally, I couldn’t. Was this some kind of weird joke? Mason didn’t really mean they were both actually falling in love with me, did he?

If he did…what then? I couldn’t handle this.

Could I?

Michelle had told me to face my fears, but this—this might be asking too much of me.

“Anyway,” Mason went on, waving Calum off, much to his chagrin, “after last night, we came back here and talked. Neither of us want to give you up, Bree, so as long as you’ll have us, you’ll…have us?” Mostly to himself, he added, “That last part I should’ve rehearsed better.”

“Or let me say it,” Calum muttered. “You talk so much you’re bound to sound stupid eventually.”

Mason thought on it. “I don’t think that’s how talking works, but maybe I’m wrong—”

Neither one of them wanted to give me up? What exactly did that mean? I swallowed down my trepidation, gathered my courage, and asked, “What do you mean?” Surely they couldn’t mean what I thought they did.

This wasn’t a movie, or a TV show. This was my life, and my life never turned out good. Good things didn’t happen to me.

It was Calum who spoke as he took a step closer to me, “I want you. We both do. We’ve both agreed that we wouldn’t force you to pick between us. We’ll work on any jealousy that arises, but we’ll do it together.” He was so close now, he could reach out and grab one of my hands—and that’s exactly what he did.

I couldn’t speak, mostly because Mason had started to: “It’s not going to be easy, but the good things in life Copyright 2016 - 2024