The Sound of Temptation - Dylan Allen Page 0,96

then music floods into the room and light flashes as the door flies open and Etta storms in.

“You bitch,” she shrieks before she turns her burning hot eyes to a dazed Liz. She takes another picture as we scramble to straighten our clothes.

“Etta, what the hell?” I say as I try to take it from her.

Etta presses something on her phone and then turns to walk away.

“She took my picture,” Beth’s outrage is all over her face, and she shoves her way through the crowd after Etta.

“Fuck.” When I catch up with them, they’re outside standing face to face.

“You’re a cheating, man-stealing bitch. And I’m gonna make sure the whole world knows.” Etta spits.

I hurry over. “Etta, I’m sorry you saw that, but I’m not your man to steal.”

“I’m not talking about you,” she sneers at me. “She’s trouble. I tried to warn you, but you’re an idiot, just like every other man.”

She whirls on Beth.

“You better delete whatever the hell you took.” Beth makes a wild, uncoordinated grab for the phone.

Etta easily sidesteps her, waves the phone tauntingly. “I’m not deleting anything. Duke’s only with you because your daddy’s rich. But once he sees you getting busy in a public bathroom, even your money won’t save you.”

Beth’s eyes bug out as if she can’t believe what she’s hearing, and then she lets out an incredulous bark of laughter. “This is about Duke? He was never your boyfriend, you fucking psycho.”

“He would have been if it wasn’t for you.” Etta screams back, and her eyes fill with tears that she brushes away.

Elisabeth leans away, observing her as if surprised by the display of emotion. “Oh, I see. You’re not a psycho. You’re just stupid.”

“Fuck you.” Etta takes a step toward Beth and pokes her in the shoulder hard enough that she stumbles.

Etta smiles in smug satisfaction.

“Give me that phone or I will take it from you.” Beth’s hands balled at sides into fists.

“I’d like to see you try, Princess.” Etta steps close enough that they’re nearly nose to nose.

“Oh, happily.” Beth snarls.

I move to get between them, but I’m not fast enough.

And neither is Etta. Beth swings and catches her square in the jaw. Etta stumbles and doubles over howling in pain.

Beth stoops to pick up the phone and turns to me with a victorious grin on her face and a wild gleam in her eye.

“How’d you get here?”

“My bike.”

“Come on. Before she gets the courage to follow us.”

She grabs my hand and I let her pull me around the building and across the street to the parking lot.

When we get to my bike, she lets go of my hand and starts inspecting Etta’s phone.

“Shit, she’s got a password.”

I shake my head in disbelief. “You can’t just take her phone.”

“I’ll give it back. Just as soon as I erase that picture.”

She stares at the phone, taps her chin and then puts in a number. She laughs mockingly. “Her pin is Duke’s birthday. Pathetic.”

She scrolls through shaking her head. “She’s such a pervert.” She cocks her head, examining the picture. “But I have to say, we look good,” she turns the picture round to show me.

She’s perched on the sink, her head thrown back, her hands holding my head in place as I stoop between her spread thighs and suck her nipples. It’s hot. Her body looks incredible and I look…like I’m trying to devour her whole.

“This would have been Tumblr gold,” she says regretfully. She deletes the picture, scrolls to make sure there are no more and then, hands the phone over to me.

I stare at it, and then back at her. She’s smiling at me expectantly. “Why are you giving it to me?” I ask, eyeing the contraband.

She smiles brightly. “She’s your friend, give it to her next time you see her.”

I snatch the phone from her.

“I doubt we’re friends anymore after you punched her in the face.

She snickers. “I know. That was awesome, right?”

I stare at her, dumbfounded. “Are you drunk?”

“Nope, I’m just high on slapping a total bitch who had it coming.” She says jauntily.

“Lemme go leave it on the roof of her car.” I run over to where I saw her parked and leave it perched on her windshield and hope she sees it before she drives off.

I jog back to Beth and she’s leaning on my bike, grinning from ear to ear. “What are you smiling about?”

“She had it coming, Carter. She’s been a pain in the ass for as long as I’ve known her.”

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