The Sound of Temptation - Dylan Allen Page 0,90

your damn eyes and look. Whatever you do, don’t leave here without making sure she knows how you feel. It’ll break her heart and Duke will be waiting to pick up the pieces.”

Her prediction hits me square between the eyes, and I need to think. “I thought I paid you to help me find someone, not for relationship advice.”

My phone rings and I grimace when I see it’s Dean.

“Sorry, can you give me a second?”

“I need to check my email anyway. Go ahead.”

“Bosch, pick the nicest restaurant in town and make a reservation for three.”


“My wife is with me.”


“Text the details, see you on Friday.”

He hangs up.

“What’s the nicest restaurant in the area?” I ask Dina.

“The Wishbone in Round Rock.” She answers right away and without looking up.


I pull it up on my phone and make a reservation for two at 7 pm that evening.

“Sorry about that.”

“Hot date?” She asks sarcastically.

“Hardly. It’s my agent and —”

She holds her hands up and shakes her head. “I was just kidding I don’t really care.”

At my slow blink, she cringes slightly. “I’m sorry. Was that rude?”

I smile at her knowingly. “Somehow, I don’t believe you actually care about that either.”

She smiles and her whole face lights up. “I just find being honest saves me a lot of discomfort and time.”

I laugh out loud. If Beth only has one friend, I’m glad it’s her.

“No, not rude at all. Thanks for your help.” I stand. I shove my phone and wallet into my pockets.

“Anytime. Please, please don’t fuck up and hurt my friend because then, I’ll have to ruin your life. And I like you.” She smiles sweetly and then turns back to her phone, dismissing me.



Good Vibes Only

It’s been a week since Carter left my house. And that same amount of time since I slept well. I spent the first two nights staring at my phone, waiting for him to call me so I could explain and apologize.

But he didn’t call.

And, I couldn’t’ find the nerve to. Instead, I started painting the piece I’d been building one sketch at a time.

I’ve barely slept this week. And when I finished the most pivotal part of it this morning, I was deliriously giddy at how it turned out.

That euphoria ran out nearly six hours ago. It took with it the mental block I’d put up while I was focused on finishing the painting. And all of the things I hadn’t thought about came flooding in. I've spent the rest of the day on my couch, paralyzed by indecision.

My doorbell rings and I trip over my feet running to answer it.

It has to be him

Heart hammering, I yank the door open and nearly burst into tears.

It’s Dina. An angry, glaring Dina.

She’s been calling me incessantly this afternoon. I turned my phone on silent and ignored her.

I put on an innocent, surprised expression. “Oh, hi. I didn’t’t realize you were in town.”

She shakes her head. “You wouldn’t’t have had to realize anything if you’d answered your phone.” She runs an assessing gaze over me from head to toe. I smooth my hair down and hope she can’t see the food stains on my pants. “I’ve been busy.”

“Busy doing what?” She snaps, and before I can answer, she shoves her way past me and walks into the house.

“Hey, where are you going?” I close the door and hurry after her.

She’s standing, her back to me, in the middle of my pig pen of a living room. “Dina, I told you I’m busy.”

She spins around to face me, her hazel eyes sweep the length of me, and she shakes her head in dismay.

“You look like hell. When’s the last time you showered?”

“What are you doing here?” I demand.

She yanks my fridge open and glares at me over the door.

“What are you living on? There’s no food in here.”

“I’ve been eating Ramen. And if you’re not going to tell me why you’re here, I’m going to ignore you.” I snap and press play on my remote. Beethoven fills the air and I close my eyes and take a deep breath and let it soothe my rattled nerves.

The music stops abruptly and my eyes snap open.

Dina is walking around gathering the piles of paper that are strewn everywhere.

I sit on my stool, eyeing her dispassionately. She strides back toward me, her eyes moving around the rest of the room. She frowns as she takes in the dirty mugs and plates that cover almost every surface. “I’m not sure what’s going on with Copyright 2016 - 2024