The Sound of Temptation - Dylan Allen Page 0,141

them to the kitchen. Joe scoffs as I walk away

“Do you know this guy? I’ve never met him, but I swear if I had a wife anything like her, I’d never leave her side.”

Carter laughs, but it’s tense and forced. “I’ve met him once or twice and I agree. If she was mine, I’d never let her out of my sight, either.”

My heart skips a whole beat, and tears spring to my eyes and my hands tremble as I load the mugs into the dishwasher.

When I turn to head back toward them, Carter is looking at me with an expression I can’t read, but that sets my nerves on edge. “I don’t know if this is too soon to ask this…” He trails off and I realize the expression is nervousness. I have a flash of panic that he’s about to say something about our past…a past I haven’t shared with Joe.

“Ask what?”

“This is really last minute. But, if you don’t have plans, you should join my family and me for Thanksgiving. I mean, seeing how Duke isn’t here and you’re not going home.” He smiles and looks between Joe and me, expectantly.

I haven’t had a family Thanksgiving since my mother left. It used to be my favorite.

“I’d love that.” I turn to Joe, “Do you have plans?”

His smile doesn’t falter, but his eyes lose some of their sparkles. “I’m hoping to go get my son, but if that doesn’t work out, I’d like to join you.”

I hope I get to meet this son and this ex of his so I can punch her lights out for all the disappointment she’s been responsible for causing Joe. I know he’s not going to get to pick him up. Not for Thanksgiving or any other weekend. And I’m not letting this wonderful man spend that day alone.

“Are you sure your family wouldn’t mind?” I ask, watching Carter closely. I know how spur of the moment he can be and I want to make sure he’s not committing them to anything that will make it an awkward day for all of us.

“My mother is dying to see you and Nadia will die of excitement once I tell her.”

I perk up, my nerves forgotten. "What about Jack?” I ask, a mischievous smile on my lips.

He chuckles and rolls his eyes skyward. “He’ll be as excited as he can be about anything, I guess,” he says with a dry smile.

“It’s okay if Dina joins us?.” The last time he saw her was at my father’s house the day everything fell apart but he doesn’t even blink.

His smile deepens. ”The more the merrier. Joe, I’d love it if you’re able to join us. Beth is family, and so are you,” Carter says. Hearing him call me family squeezes it in a way that doesn’t feel good. It’s true in a way

I wish it wasn’t.

“I’ll know in a day or two. Thank you for the invite,” Joes says.

Carter nods and glances at his watch. “You’re welcome. I hate to eat and run, but we’ve got an appointment. He walks over to get his coat.

“I wish you’d tell me where we were going so I could be sure I’m dressed appropriately,” I grumble and glance down at my dark jeans, black turtleneck and my dark grey ankle boots

Normally, I wouldn’t even worry. I could shave my head and dye it red and the most I would get would be a few double takes from people. But I know that if I’m with Carter, who everyone notices, the likelihood of my picture being taken is high. I put concealer over my scars, too. After my big reveal yesterday, I’m feeling more self-conscious than normal.

“You ready?” Carter buttons his jacket and smiles expectantly at me. I shove my worried to the side. I’m with Carter, I’m going to just enjoy this for as long as I can.

“You look perfect,” he murmurs and gives me an appreciative head to toe sweep.

I busy myself with buttoning my coat and keep my face turned toward the floor to hide my blush. I made an effort.

“Have you shown him your studio?” Joe asks and I bite down a groan. We’ve had a really tension free visit, and I don’t want to spoil that by making him revisit memories he might be trying to forget.

“Not yet, I’ll show him when we have time,” I say noncommittally.

I press a kiss to Joe’s cheek and take the hand Carter holds out to me. I turn in the Copyright 2016 - 2024