Souls Unfractured - Tillie Cole Page 0,107

my chest.

I held her as she cried in my arms. But all I could think about was what she’d said. I never knew what happened to my poppa. I never knew what happened to him after I left. What happened to our house? What happened to Isaiah’s body?

I then thought of the hatch in my living room. The one I’d never had the courage to open or step inside. But the one I kept to remind me of what I was—wrong. Evil. That I was darkness. That I was motherfucking death.

Even after I left that house, then the hospital, he would still take me, he would fuck the sin from my flesh, in my head… until Maddie. Because she made it all better. No getting fucked over the hatch by my poppa. No church. No snakes. No screaming… no pain…

Holding Maddie tighter, she eventually fell to sleep. But I couldn’t. All I saw in my mind was darkness: Isaiah dying in my arms, my mama gripping my fingers through the floorboards, then bleeding out on that bed, blade at her side, my poppa’s whiskey-breath rippling down my neck.

And my muscles tensed, my blood ran hot and I thought one thought …

… that motherfucker deserved to die...

Die by my hand, with my motherfucking blades...


“Two more buyers down. That means the Klan are flexing their fucking muscles. We’re hanging back to see what their next move is, but if it continues, then a war will be coming, whether Rider’s backed the fuck off the women or not.”

I watched Styx sign, and heard Ky translate, “Tanner, you got anymore intel?”

Tanner shook his head. “They’re laying low on tech. But their new guy didn’t manage to hide all their accounts. And there’s a shit ton of money coming from a private offshore account. Israeli.” Tanner shrugged. “Gotta be that cult. And they’re pumping some serious arms to U.S. soil.”

My body tensed at the mention of that fucked up cult. Styx glanced to Ky. I could see the brothers’ rage in their faces too.

Then they both looked to me.

Because now, I too had a cult bitch. I had Maddie. I had just as much revenge in my blood for that fucked up pedo ring as the Prez and VP.

“We’ll keep watching our turf. But the game’s now changed. Landry and Governor Ayers have reach. They have half the feds on their books, we've half on ours. Could be a fucking interesting ride ahead.”

The brothers all nodded their heads. Then Styx signed. “Any other business?”

Feeling my skin twitch, I flicked my chin. “Gotta take a week, maybe more, Prez. Got business outta state I gotta take care of.”

I kept my eyes glued to Styx, but I could feel all the other brothers watching me. I’d never left the compound unless it was on Hangmen business the whole time I’d been here. This was a fucking first.

Styx frowned, then signed, “Where?”

My teeth gritted, but I forced out, “West Virginia.”

Ky sat back in his chair. “And what the fuck do y’all wanna do out in the Appalachians? Can’t think of one fucking thing that would attract me to that fucking place.”

I turned to the VP, and said, “My old man.”

Ky’s fucking pretty boy blue eyes widened, but nothing came out of his mouth. In fact, as I looked around the table, I found that all of the brothers were staring at me, mouths gaping.

Tank shifted on his seat. “You've got an old man, Flame?”

I blinked away the image of the cunt from my head, but answered, “Used to.” Tank slowly nodded his head.

Styx sat forward and signed. “Maddie going with?”

My hands clenched on the table and I spat out, “Yeah.”

Styx looked to Ky, then signed, “She gonna be protected? You gonna be spilling blood?”

“Maybe. Probably. Abso-fuckin’-lutely,” I replied. “But Maddie’s with me, by my fucking side, on my fucking bike, sleeping by my fucking side. She’s my bitch, I own her, and I decide what the fuck happens with her now, not you. That tell you enough?”

Styx’s hard face didn’t change, then he threw up his hands and signed, “Granted. You got all the time you fuckin’ need. Just don’t harm Madds. I ain’t wanting my pregnant bitch upset because her sister’s been hurt in the middle of your fuckin’ psycho rage. Yeah?”

I flicked my chin. Just as Styx went to lift the gavel, AK and Viking leaned forward. AK threw up his hand and said, “Gonna be needing that time off too, Prez.”

Styx replied, “Never fuckin’ thought Copyright 2016 - 2024