Soulless The Girl in the Box - By Robert J. Crane Page 0,52

end and you’re the beginning?” He gave me an oblique nod. “Of what?”

Reed let out a sharp exhalation. “I don’t know. I mean, I’ve seen what Omega does, and it’s not been pleasant. This little war they’ve started with you, it’s nothing compared to some of the dirty tricks they’ve pulled. They’ve got people working for them that are worse than Wolfe. That should give you an idea of what they’re like.”

“And what could I tell about you by seeing who you work for?” I stared back at him, watched him stiffen, a resigned look on his face.

“You could see that we’ve got a common enemy,” he said, “and if you keep watching what they do, you’ll see why.”

“All right,” I said. “So what powers do you have?”

His eyes closed and he bowed his head, shaking it like a kid who was asked to give back a toy he really didn’t want to let go of. “You’re killin’ me, Nealon. Can’t I keep any secrets?”

“You can keep all the secrets you want,” I said, not taking my eyes off him. “You just can’t keep them and expect to go into the fight with us at your side.”

His eyes came up, burning, finding mine. “Let’s get this straight: right now, you need me a lot more than I need you.”

“And if we’re going into a battle,” I said, keeping my tone even, “how are we supposed to work together if I don’t know what you bring to the table?”

He squinted, as if he could shut out my damned, unreasonable request, then relaxed and opened his eyes again. “I’m an Aeolus, okay?”

“A what?” Kat asked.

“Like on a breast?” Scott looked at him in confusion. Kat buried her face in one of her hands.

“Like a windkeeper, you jackass.” Reed stuck a hand out and I felt the currents of air in the room shift, my clothing starting to flap in a growing breeze. Reed pulled his hand back and the air stopped stirring. “I can control the movement of air, attracting it to me or pushing it away.”

“That could be really useful,” Scott said, “if we’re on a sailboat and the wind dies.”

A flash of annoyance crossed Reed’s face. “And I’m sure your power is only useful if a small fire breaks out.”

“All right, boys, enough of that,” I said. “I think we have to send Kat to the Directorate.” I looked between the three of them. “We’ll need all the offensive power we can get if we’re going to assault what could be an Omega base.” I looked to her. “But you should get any additional help you can from the Directorate and rendezvous with us as quickly as possible. Depending on how our search goes, you may catch up with us before we even find the enemy.”

She nodded. “All right. I’ll need a car.”

Reed shot her a cool look. “I can help with that.”

I took a deep breath and looked to Kat. “Hurry.” I shifted my glance to Reed and then Scott. “Bring the car around and meet me outside the lobby in ten minutes.” I turned and walked to the door, Kat and Reed a couple steps behind me.

I parted ways with them in the hallway, sliding the card key into my room door. I paused and took a breath before I pulled the handle, wondering if I’d find James still inside.

I did. He was lying on the bed, the covers pulled up to his waist, his shirt still off. He greeted me with a warm smile which I didn’t quite match. “I waited,” he said in an enticing voice, something that called out to me, urged me on. I wanted to throw off my jacket and blouse and crawl under the sheets with him and stay there for the rest of the night. To hell with the Directorate, Omega, Alpha and all else; forget metas and humans. I wanted them all to go away and just leave me alone with James. Maybe not forever, but at least until morning.

I breathed in deep, and let it out slow. “I’m sorry. I have to go.”

He sat up, an awkward discomfort on his face. “What?”

“My office called, and I have to leave on an assignment right now.” I tried to convey regret, but I couldn’t tell if it was getting across, because his face had gotten red.

“Wow, that’s dedication,” he said, voice tight. “But you know, there are alternatives.” He pulled back the sheet and I looked away. He wasn’t wearing anything Copyright 2016 - 2024