Soul of the Sword (Shadow of the Fox #2) - Julie Kagawa Page 0,46

ear like mosquitoes, demanding I do something. That the honor of the Shadow Clan is at stake. Should Hakaimono attack any of the other territories, the Kage will certainly be held responsible. I cannot risk war with the other clans. I must do everything within my power to destroy Hakaimono before he causes real destruction.

“But,” she added before I could protest. “Should a group of outsiders not affiliated with the Kage in any way happen to exorcise Hakaimono and return the demonslayer to himself, well, there is nothing I could have done about that, is there?” Her tone made the hairs on my arm stand up. “And if they learned that the demon was last seen heading toward the Forest of a Thousand Eyes between Hino and Mizu lands, they certainly wouldn’t tell any members of the Shadow Clan, for fear of risking Kage Tatsumi’s life, or their own.”

I blinked. Had the daimyo of the Shadow Clan just given me her blessing to save Tatsumi? And Hakaimono’s last known destination? “The Forest of a Thousand Eyes?” I repeated. “That sounds…ominous.”

Hanshou nodded. “It is where Genno, the Master of Demons, first rose to power,” the daimyo said, pitching her voice very low. “It is a cursed place of monsters and corrupted kami, a place where no mortal man dares venture, and if Hakaimono enters the castle at the heart of the forest, he will be nearly impossible to reach.” Her eyes narrowed, staring me down, as her voice dropped to a near whisper. “So if you want to save the demonslayer and bring Tatsumi back, I would make haste.”

Behind us, the door slid open, and then the soft shushing of robes over tatami could be heard. I turned my head slightly and watched Kage Masao mince across the floor and bow before his daimyo.

“Forgive this interruption, Hanshou-sama,” the courtier said in his low, smooth voice. “Lord Iesada wishes an audience with you.”

“Merciful Jinkei.” Lady Hanshou rolled her eyes. “This is the third time in as many days. Send Lord Iesada my apologies. Tell him that I am unwell and not fit to see him at the moment.”

“Please forgive me, Hanshou-sama,” Masao went on, not lifting his head. “But Lord Iesada is insistent. He said he will become very insulted if an outsider is allowed to speak to the daimyo and he is denied.”

The Kage daimyo sighed. Regarding me over the mats, her withered lips curled in a smirk. “Be thankful you are a peasant,” she told me, “and do not have to deal with the games, machinations and constant struggles of the nobles within the court. Sometimes I wish I could simply shut them out and be done with them all, but sadly, even a daimyo must play the game from time to time.” She gave a very inelegant snort, rolling her one good eye, then returned to formality. “Tonight you will stay in the castle as honored guests of the Kage. Tomorrow, I will have Naganori take you and your friends through the Path of Shadows again, to a town called Jujiro, on the edge of Fire Clan territory. It is the closest settlement to the Forest of a Thousand Eyes, and the farthest anyone is willing to travel in that direction. You, of course, will speak of this to no one. What passed between us here never happened. Is this understood?”

“Hai,” I nodded. “Thank you, Hanshou-sama.”

One slender brow rose. “Remember that you walk among the shadows, girl,” she told me. “We are the keepers of secrets, but we are also adept at uncovering them. If what we spoke of today does reach the wrong ear, the shadows also hide silent blades that will cut the life from you while you sleep. So I extend this warning with my apologies—trust no one. Even those with a familiar face could betray you, because once you become entangled with the shadows, they will never let you go.

“Masao-san…” Lady Hanshou turned to the courtier, still bowed low on the tatami mats. “If you would remain but for a moment. Yumeko-san, it has been…enlightening, but I fear my attention is required elsewhere. You may go—a servant will be summoned to show you back to your room.”

And just like that, I was dismissed. I bowed to the ancient daimyo and left her presence, slipping out the door into the shadowy hall beyond.

“Ah. If it isn’t Hanshou-sama’s honored guest.”

I froze. Lord Iesada was there, surrounded by his two guards. As our gazes met, the noble sauntered Copyright 2016 - 2024