Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,9

but he could just make out mountains beyond the outcrop.

She shook her head. “My eyesight isn’t as good as yours.”

“If we can make it there, we’ll have a better view, and we’ll be able to see more from that outcrop.”

Her mouth firmed. “Let’s do it.”

They kept jogging.

The distant howl of a predator filled the air.

“I’d kill for a hot shower and a bowl of my grandmother’s beef vindaloo. And her garlic naan.”

“These are types of food?”

“Yes. From the country where she was born. India. Vindaloo is a spicy curry.” A faint smile crossed Kaira’s lips. “Might be too much for your Eon palate.”

“My helian means I can ingest a larger range of food than you.”

Her grin widened. “I don’t know, warrior. My grandmother’s vindaloo is eye-watering.”

“You’re close to your family?”

She nodded. “I see my mom regularly. She lives in Adelaide in Australia. Not too far from Woomera. I see her often, especially since my father died.” There was grief in her voice.


“I have a younger sister. She’s a sound engineer. You?”

“An only child. I’m close to both my parents.”

“We are going to get off this rock and see our families again, Thane.”

He nodded. He’d do everything he could to keep her safe and get her home.

“I’m really glad you’re with me.” She grabbed his hand.

“Me too,” he murmured.

They got closer to a patch of dense, jungle-like vegetation. They paused and she pulled out their meager supply of water. He took it and sniffed to check it was drinkable, then handed it to her.

“It’s safe.”

She took a small sip from the bottle. “Until we find another water source, we can’t waste it.” She studied the wall of green. Tangled vines in green, black, and yellow dangled everywhere. The dense trees made it hard to see very far.

“Do we go through or around?” she asked.

The rock tower they were aiming for was on the other side.

“Through is faster.” Thane frowned. “But we have no idea what’s inside.”

Suddenly, a flock of bird-like creatures took flight from the trees, squawking loudly.

In the center of the jungle, trees started shaking violently. A loud growl echoed.

“Around,” Thane said.

Kaira nodded. “Definitely around.”

They skirted the vegetation, falling into a jog again.

They hadn’t gone far when his helian pulsed. He scanned behind them.

“What is it?” she asked.

“I’m not sure yet—”

“Thane. It’s better if I know. You don’t need to protect me.”

No, she was strong and well able to protect herself. He felt a sense of pride. She was an incredible mate. Whatever happened, he was proud that she was his. If only for a short time.

“We’re being hunted,” he told her.

“What?” She looked back. “I don’t see anything.”

“I don’t either, but my helian senses it.”

She swallowed.

“Let’s keep moving. We don’t want to alert whatever it is that we know it’s there.”

They kept going. Then Thane sensed vibrations under his feet and spun.

Out of the hazy fog, a pack of large shapes thundered toward them.

Thane formed his sword.

“What the hell?” Kaira muttered, forming her own sword.

The predators got closer, and Thane tensed.

“Fuck,” Kaira said. “They look like black polar bears crossed with wolves.”

The large bodies ran quickly on all four legs. Instead of fur, they were covered in black, leathery skin. Two wicked fangs, as long as his forearm, flanked their jaws.

“With a dash of sabretooth tiger.” Kaira lifted her sword.

“Run for the outcrop. I’ll distract them to give you a head start.”

Her dark eyes narrowed. “Nice try, warrior. I’m not running, and I’m not leaving you.”


The creatures thundered closer.

One reared, showing the sharp claws on its paws.

Thane ran forward, and leaped into the air, lifting his sword.

Protect Kaira. That was his only priority.

Chapter Five

Kaira watched Thane’s powerful body fly through the air, sunlight reflecting off his sword. He hit the lead beast, sending it skidding across the ground with a growl.

A huge bear-wolf landed in front of her and snarled.

“Come on, then.” She ignored the wicked fangs and braced herself.

It charged.

Kaira dodged and swung her sword. The tip of her blade raked the creature’s side, leaving a jagged, red line.

Enraged, it spun. Several others were close by, pacing, watching the fight for their turn.

Maybe the alpha pair got first dibs. Sorry, vicious alien creature, no snacks for you today.

The creature came at her again and she slashed with her sword.

Thane leaped in from the side. Together, they forced the bear-wolf back.

“Will the rest of the pack attack?” she asked.


The creatures were pacing, looking restless and hungry.

“We need to keep moving,” she said. “We need to get to that outcrop.”

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