Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,7

our scientists are trying to work out why. Perhaps because of an influx of new genetic material.”

“And instant matings? Like what happened to us?”

“I’ve never heard of it happening before.”

“Wow.” She looked away, then back. “How did it happen for your parents?”

Thane cleared his throat. “My parents aren’t mated. They are in a committed relationship, akin to your marriages on Earth.”

“I see.”

“In fact, there haven’t been any matings in my family for generations.”


His jaw worked. “No one knows. Some say my family is cursed.”

“That doesn’t sound like a very Eon-like thing to believe.”

He tightened his hold on her. “I never, ever expected to find my mate.”

Her eyes widened. “But you wanted it.”

More than anything. “Every warrior does.” He didn’t say anymore. He would never force Kaira into something she didn’t want. “We need to focus on finding a way to contact my warship.”

“I’m sorry, Thane. I have no idea how the hell we can do that.” She worried her bottom lip. “Can your helian generate a signal?”

“Not very far.”

“Damn.” She looked over his shoulder and tensed.

He swiveled.

The Kantos ship was turning back.

Cren. “They realized what happened to us.”


He pushed for more speed from his helian, but he knew it was futile. They couldn’t outrun a ship and they had nowhere to go.

Kaira looked back. “The Kantos are gaining.”

Thane saw a shuttle slide out the side of the ship. It had a bug-like design, with a bulbous, brown hull.

“Incoming.” By Ston’s sword, there was nothing he could do to stop them being recaptured. He stopped the propulsion. They stopped and turned to face the incoming shuttle.

“Hey.” Her hand tightened on his. “It’s okay.”

“I want to keep you safe.”

“I’m good at looking after myself.”

He felt his lips curve. He had no doubt about that.

“We’re in this together.” Her fingers squeezed his.

“Together,” he repeated.

The shuttle drew closer. Several Kantos soldiers flew out of the side, their legs tucked behind them.

“We don’t have to go easily, do we?” she asked silkily.

He grinned. “No.”

Her smile was sharp. “Good.”

They both formed swords.

The Kantos flew closer and Thane attacked.

He’d trained in space fighting. He saw Kaira found it difficult, but she attacked with gusto, swinging her sword wildly.

Thane hacked up one soldier. He saw more fly out of the Kantos shuttle.

Cren. Soon, they’d be overrun.

One Kantos hit Kaira and she flew backward. Thane caught her.

Suddenly, they were surrounded by soldiers, their sharp arms pointed at them.

Cren. He ground his teeth together.

He retracted his sword.

Kaira sighed and did the same.

A soldier moved in and hit Thane in the back of the neck, the blow hard.

Darkness descended. The last thing he heard was Kaira shouting his name.

Chapter Four

They sat in a tiny cell aboard the Kantos shuttle. Kaira shifted on the hard cold floor, Thane’s head resting in her lap.

Their helmets were retracted now, and she stroked his hair. The Kantos had covered his helian in goop again. Their armor was gone and she could hardly believe she was still wearing the wide-legged pants and fitted white shirt she’d worn to the party. It felt like a lifetime ago.

Thane still hadn’t regained consciousness after the vicious blow to his head.

“Come on, Thane.” She swallowed the lump in her throat.

They’d been traveling for a while. She’d expected to dock with the battlecruiser, but they hadn’t. She stroked his cheekbone. She had no idea what the Kantos had in store for them.

Right now, she felt horribly alone. She tried again to rouse her warrior. “Wake up, Thane.”

He stirred.


Thane’s extraordinary eyes opened. He blinked, then reached up and cupped her cheek. “Kaira.”

“We’re fine. On the Kantos shuttle.”

She helped him sit up. He frowned, gingerly probing the back of his neck with his fingertips. “We haven’t docked with the battlecruiser yet?”

She shook her head. “You’ve been out for about one Earth hour. Thane, I don’t think we’re docking.”

Worry crossed his face.

Where the hell were the Kantos taking them?

“Is your head okay?” she asked.

“Fine. Just some minor swelling. Your ribs?”

“They’re throbbing, but nothing’s broken.”

“Once I can free my helian, I can share some healing ability with you.”

Nice. The whole mating thing might freak her out, but she wasn’t going to complain about the benefits in this situation. “So, what do we do now?”

He took her hand and twined their fingers. “There’s not much we can do but wait, and be ready.”

Kaira blew out a breath, ruffling her hair. “I hate waiting.”

He smiled. It looked damn good on him. “I’m pretty good at waiting. As a doctor, patience is a valuable skill.”

She wasn’t sure why Copyright 2016 - 2024