Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,53


“Congratulations on your mating.”

Kaira fought the strange urge to curtsy. “Ah, thank you. It’s nice to meet you.”

“You too. I was so glad to hear that you and Thane survived Crolla. And brought back a sample of the pathogen.” The king’s handsome face turned serious. “It’s imperative we find a way to neutralize it.”

“We will,” Thane said. “We’ve already started work.”

The king met Kaira’s gaze. “And you befriended some Kantos allies.”

“It wasn’t planned,” she said.

“They shared valuable information with us. It will help us in the fight to protect Earth and the Eon Empire against the Kantos.” The king turned back to Eve. “Now, Ambassador—”

“Please stop calling me that.”

The king smiled, and it felt like the air surrounding them all heated by a few degrees.

Kaira blinked. The man was potent to the female senses.

“Eve, I want to discuss the visit of the delegation from Earth to Eon.”

Eve did a poor job of hiding her grimace. “Plans are progressing.”

“Excellent. I want to make a change.”

Eve groaned, then touched her belly. “Um, sorry, the baby kicked.”

Behind her, her mate shook his head.

“I’ve decided, in order to strengthen our alliance, that I will marry a Terran.”

Kaira’s eyes opened wide. She saw Eve’s mouth drop open.

The warriors all went as still as statues.

“I want you to ensure suitable candidates are included in the delegation.”

“You want me to find you a wife?” Eve’s voice rose.

“Yes. I have full confidence in your abilities, Eve.”

Kaira met Thane’s gaze. Her mate raised a brow.

She looked forward to seeing how this panned out.


King Gayel Solann-Eon sat at the head of the long dining table. The senior warriors from the Rengard and Desteron, and their mates, talked and laughed and ate.

The kitchen of the Woomera Range Complex had worked hard to prepare a feast they believed was worthy for a king. The sunset outside the window of the testing facility was impressive. Red, pink and gold streaked across the vast sky.

He was heading to Space Corps Headquarters in Houston tomorrow, before traveling back to Eon to prepare for the Earth delegation to arrive. He was glad he’d managed this short visit to Earth.

And it was good to see his warriors and their mates.

A sensation moved through his gut. He recognized it as envy. It was a familiar emotion. As a young prince growing up, he’d had a lot of lavish extravagances, always known that one day he would be king. But he’d always envied his people the simple things of life. Things far out of his reach.

Yes, he envied his warriors and their mates. That deep connection between the couples.

His father had been set in his ways, but Gayel had never doubted that the man had loved his mate, Gayel’s mother. But mating was rare for the Eon, although their best scientists were working to discover why so many mates seemed to be coming from among the Terrans.

Maybe he’d get lucky and his mate would be one of the candidates for his wife.

He squashed that thought. It didn’t matter. He would marry a Terran. The new genetic material to the Eon line would be beneficial, and the marriage would cement an alliance with Earth. He’d been impressed with the Terran resilience, fortitude, and ingenuity.

Gayel had been raised knowing he had a duty.

To his people.

To his Empire.

His own happiness wasn’t a factor.

He would do what was best for the Eon Empire, even if he had to sacrifice his own wants and needs.

He hoped he could find a wife with intelligence and compassion, a partner to stand at his side.

Gayel had spent a lot of time undoing the restrictive rules of his father’s reign. He wanted to do more for his Empire, to watch it flourish.

He watched Davion lean close to his mate, the two of them smiling. Then he looked at the newest mated couple. Thane and Kaira shared a private look, their attraction tangible.

Gayel lifted his drink. He was unlikely to have a mate, but he would do his duty and treat his wife with respect.

And he would do what had to be done to protect his empire and end the Kantos threat.

After the dinner, Thane shared an Earth beer with Sabin.

“You’re happy to be stationed here?” he asked his friend.

“I’m happy to be with my mate,” Sabin said.

“I understand that.” He looked to Kaira. She was laughing with Finley, Gemma, and Lara.

“Look at us, Thane.” Sabin grinned. “Just weeks ago, neither of us expected to be mated. You thought it couldn’t happen for you, and I didn’t want it. Copyright 2016 - 2024