Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,48

for a long while.”

“You going to get all overprotective on me, warrior?”

“Yes. You’d better get used to it.”

Warriors milled around the shuttle, sitting or standing, others helping settle Nisid and his people.

“So, we’re doing this mating thing?” Kaira said.

Thane’s hands flexed on her. “Is that what you want?”

She cupped both his cheeks. “More than anything, Thane. A part of me is still afraid to open up, to lose you.”

“I get that, believe me.” He stroked her injured thigh.

“But I love you more than my fear,” she said. “And I think we make a pretty awesome team.”

“I love you, Kaira.” He lowered his mouth to hers.

“You appear to be feeling better.”

The female voice made them jerk apart. Lara and Caze stood beside them, the Terran woman grinning.

“Looks like you kicked some Kantos ass, Commander,” Lara said.

Kaira smiled back. “We sure did. But I’ll admit, I’m more than happy to hand the task over.”

“You did excellent work,” Caze said. “Thane, we have a containment box for the pathogen.”

Thane handed the vial over and watched as it was locked away.

Kaira, are you well?

She turned her head to see Nisid near her seat.

“Yes. And a big thanks to you. Thank you for all your help, Nisid.”

It’s been an honor to fight at your side. He nodded to her and Thane.

“I’ll go with Nisid and a second shuttle to collect his people,” Caze said.

“Nisid, if you need anything,” Thane told the rogue Kantos, “you let us know.”

They shared a warrior clasp. It was much smoother than the first one they’d shared.

Kaira smiled and leaned into her mate.

“I am very, very glad we’re alive,” she murmured.

“Me too.”

“I don’t want to go to the infirmary. I’m healed.”

Thane ignored Kaira’s protest. The same as he’d done with her protest about carrying her off the shuttle.

He strode down the corridor. The Desteron was almost a twin to the Rengard. It was a little larger, with a few small differences, but the layout was basically the same.

Aydin’s Medical area was in the same location as Thane’s.

“You’re getting checked out,” Thane said.

Kaira huffed out a breath.

Beside him, Thane saw Aydin not even bothering to hide his smile.

“You’re lucky your mate is so agreeable to treatment, Thane,” Aydin said.

“Agreeable?” She glared at the medical commander.

“Yes, my mate hits. Hard. She’s the worst patient I’ve ever treated.”

“She’s Terran?” Kaira asked.

“Yes.” Aydin had a very pleased, loving smile on his face. “Lieutenant Jamie Park. Space marine.”

“The tall, dark-haired woman?” Kaira asked. “I saw her fighting.”

“That’s her.” Aydin touched the door and it slid open. “Here we are.”

Thane glanced around. Aydin’s Medical was very similar to his own. He felt a pang. He missed his ship and his medical team.

“Set her on the bunk, Thane.”

“I’m fine,” Kaira repeated. “The havv did the job.”

Thane set her down.

“Thane’s right,” Aydin said. “You need to get checked out. Havv is amazing, but with extensive injuries, especially when muscle and bone are involved, it doesn’t hurt to double check.”

The medical commander pulled a large scanner on an extendable arm over. He aimed it over her newly healed thigh.

“This scanner will take a look.”

Thane ran a hand over her hair. “I’m needed on the bridge. I need to discuss where to take Nisid and his people with Davion.” He glanced up at Aydin. “The pathogen?”

Aydin pointed to a heavy-duty storage compartment. “Locked up tight. I’m eager to study it, and keen to discuss it with you.”

Thane nodded. “Good. I want in on this research.” He dropped a quick kiss to Kaira’s mouth. “Be good. Rest.”

“Go, Mr. Bossy.”

He smiled. He knew his way to the bridge, and moments later, he stepped inside the heartbeat of the Desteron. There were several tiers of workstations manned by busy warriors. Davion, his pregnant mate Eve, and Caze and Lara stood by a light table.

Thane had only taken one step when a huge dog bounded over and leaped on him, planting its paws in his gut.

“Shaggy, down.” Eve moved over, not quite waddling, but it was clear her growing belly was throwing her balance off. “I’m sorry, Thane. He has no manners.”

The dog’s tongue lolled, then he nudged Eve, rubbing his face on her belly.

The Terran woman smiled and scratched the dog’s ears. “Kaira?”

“Fine. Complaining about going to Medical.”

“Sounds familiar.” Davion raised a brow at his mate.

“Very,” Caze agreed.

Eve poked out her tongue. Davion just smiled at his mate, then looked back at Thane. “We have your friends in the cargo bay. Nisid decided the cabins were too confining for them.”

“They’re okay?”

He nodded. “Aydin will Copyright 2016 - 2024