Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,29

these trees, she felt safe.

For a moment, she wouldn’t worry about how they’d get off the planet, how they’d survive. They were alive, and she was damn glad about that.

With a nod, Thane left Nisid. As he walked down a narrow, wooden bridge, his gaze met hers.

“Okay?” he asked.

She nodded. “Just enjoying this little reprieve.” Just like their night with the Mollai, she’d appreciate the respite.

He leaned against the railing beside her, handsome face in profile.

“It’s good for the body to recover. Nisid’s people are readying some rooms for us. We can clean up, eat, get another good night’s sleep.”

“Did he discuss a plan?”

“He’s going to talk it over with his best people.”

Kaira licked her lips. “The pathogen—”

The green strands in Thane’s eyes glowed. “I will find it. It is a risk to my people. If our bonds with our helians are destroyed…” He shook his head, his voice vibrating with anger. “Helians will die. Eon will die. Earth will be defenseless.”

And the Kantos would invade and ravage. Her stomach turned over.

“I won’t let it happen,” Thane repeated.

“Even if we destroy this pathogen, they can make more.”

“I don’t want to destroy it. I want to take it with us. We can study it and find a way to develop something to stop it.”

She nodded.

“Kaira…” He took her hand. “This mission will be dangerous. The first thing I wanted to say, even knowing how you feel about mating, is it has been an honor to be mated to a woman like you. Courageous, good, honorable.”

Her heart thumped in her chest. “Thane—”

“I need you to promise me something.”

She nodded.

“If I die on this mission, promise me that you’ll get the pathogen to my ship. To the Eon.”

Her fingers clenched on his. “Don’t talk like that. You aren’t going to die.”

“Promise me.” His gaze was direct, intense, boring into hers.

“I promise,” she whispered.

He touched her cheek, a brush of fingers. It felt electric on her skin.

“Thank you.” He stepped back. “I need to check some more things with Nisid. He said someone would show us our accommodation soon.” Thane smiled. “And there will be water for a bath.”

Kaira forced a smile. “I’d sell my soul to be really clean.” The sponge bath she’d managed with the Mollai hadn’t quite cut it.

“I’ll see you later.”

She watched him stride away, and her smile slipped.

He was ready to die to get the pathogen and stop the Kantos.

And to save her.

She knew in her bones that he’d die to keep her safe.

Kaira’s hands clamped on the railing. She’d lost two men who had meant the world to her. It had hurt like nothing else. It had left her in pieces, helpless, grief stricken.

Since then, she’d held herself back from people. She sucked in a deep breath. She’d stopped dancing, stopped doing anything for pure enjoyment. During these intense days, since they’d been taken by the Kantos, she and Thane had only had each other to depend on. She already trusted him.

How would she feel if he died here on Crolla?

Pain stabbed at her.

She sucked in some quick breaths. She didn’t want to lose him. He was strong, steady, brave.

And she wanted him.


She knew the mating bond amplified those feelings, but Kaira was honest with herself. Mating or not, she would be attracted to Thane Kann-Eon.

He could die.

She glanced sightlessly over at the jungle below. Hell, both of them could die breaking into the Kantos base.

A buzzing sound filled the air.

She turned. A small Kantos with a bent, hunched back stood nearby. It shot her a shy look, then glanced away. It waved an arm to a nearby walkway.

“Our rooms are ready?” Kaira asked.

The Kantos nodded and took a few steps across the walkway, then paused.

Kaira followed.

They moved from one walkway to the next, and then she spotted two dome-shaped cabins, side by side.

A sturdy, wooden door was set in front of each of them, and it looked like the structures were made of some web-like substance, interwoven with sticks and leaves.

Kaira opened the door and ducked inside.

It wasn’t big. The cozy, round space had a pallet on the wooden floor, topped with a fur blanket, and a carved, wooden tub filled with water. A small table held a plate of fruits and some kind of dried meat.

She looked at the Kantos. “Thank you.”

With a nod, the alien left.

There was an adjoining door and she opened it. Thane’s room was identical to hers.

Okay, bath first.

She willed away her armor and watched the scales melt away. Next, she stripped Copyright 2016 - 2024