Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,27

in?” Thane asked.

Nisid nodded.

Thane rose and held out his hand for a warrior’s clasp. “Then we have a deal.”

Nisid looked uncertain, then touched his good arm to Thane’s.

Kantos and Eon working together.

There is more. Please. Sit.

Thane sat again. Another Kantos appeared, bringing them water, and a plate of dark berries.

Thane tried the berries first and then the water. He nodded at her. “It’s safe.”

Kaira gingerly nibbled the berries. They weren’t overly sweet, but she realized she was hungry.

What do you know of the Kantos Council?

“Very little,” Thane said. “Tell me about them. We’ve never been able to discover much about the Kantos leadership.”

A group of nine elite. The strongest and most vicious. They control the entire Kantos horde.

A berry lodged in Kaira’s throat. Oh, God.

“The council is here?” Thane asked. “On Crolla?”

Nisid nodded. For the test.

Thane stilled. “What test?”

Buzzing filled the space, the soldiers around him agitated.

Nisid moved closer. The council have developed a pathogen. One to disrupt an Eon’s bond with their helian. And kill the helian.

Kaira sucked in a breath. “We saw experiments on one of the battlecruisers.”

Nisid nodded. They have a pathogen ready to test.

A muscle in Thane’s jaw ticked. “We have to stop it.”

The pathogen is in the base.

Kaira pushed her hair back. “So, you’ll help us get in, get a distress call out—”

I can show you where the communications equipment is.

“You’ll come with us?” she asked.

Nisid looked at Thane. If you guarantee to get my people off Crolla, I will do whatever is required in order to assist you.

“Then after we get the message out, you’ll show us where they keep the pathogen?” Thane asked.

Nisid inclined his head.

“Okay, let’s—”

Frantic buzzing. Two soldiers covered in scars rushed into the cavern.

Nisid stiffened. Kantos juvenile soldiers and bugs are headed this way. They’re not ours.

“We need to go.” Kaira rose.

The juveniles here are vicious. Hungry to prove themselves.

Suddenly, a high-pitched buzzing screeched through the air and several flying insects rushed into the cavern.

They looked like bees, but larger. Their furry bodies were black-and-gray striped. They had sharp stingers on their tails.

Go. Nisid rushed forward, his good arm up and slashing at an alien bee.

“Come on.” Thane grabbed Kaira’s hand.

Several of Nisid’s soldiers raced for the exit.

A bee swooped and skewered one of the soldiers with a stinger.

The soldier froze, then its body jerked and shuddered, hitting the ground. The toxin caused seizures.

A bee raced at Kaira and Thane. Thane formed an axe and swung at the bee.

It dodged and Kaira ducked. Thane swung again.

His blade clipped the alien insect’s wings, and it hit the ground and tumbled through the dirt.

Nisid’s soldiers pounced on it.

Thane and Kaira ducked and dodged to the exit.

Come on. Nisid appeared, charging past them. My soldiers will take care of the last of them. Follow me.

They raced outside.

Several of Nisid’s soldiers closed in around Thane and Kaira. Like they were protecting them.

Protected by rogue Kantos soldiers. She shook her head and focused on running over the uneven ground. Hell had frozen over.

We have another hideout.

She looked at the Kantos leader. “Where?”

There. He lifted his arm.

Ahead was a dense patch of jungle. It was dominated by the biggest trees Kaira had ever seen.

A wild, harsh howl echoed from the forest, raising the hair on the back of her neck.


Thane gritted his teeth, jogging toward the patch of dangerous jungle.

They had no other choice but to trust their new allies. He hoped this wasn’t an elaborate trap.

The sound of fighting dimmed behind them. Nisid’s soldiers were fighting the Kantos that had found them.

In here. Nisid waved Thane and Kaira into the jungle. The juvenile soldiers won’t follow here.

“Why?” Kaira asked dubiously.

There are creatures in here that they don’t want to face. Don’t worry, my people know their way through here.

The humidity rose instantly, and the scent of trees and rotting leaves filled Thane’s senses. He stayed close to Kaira.

They shoved through some thick bushes, thorns pricking at their armor.

They came out in a clearing.

“Oh, wow,” Kaira breathed.

Enormous flowers, taller than Thane, filled the clearing. They were bell-shaped, and vibrant in pinks and greens and yellows. A pungent scent filled the air.

Nearby, there were large towers of fungus-like growths.

“It’s beautiful,” she said.

Do not touch the flowers. Nisid swiveled to face them. They secrete a deadly poison.

The Kantos continued on, weaving through the giant flower patch.

They came to a gently flowing stream. A strange animal with giant eyes was drinking.

“It looks a little like a deer,” Kaira whispered.

It had long spindly legs, a gray hide, and a long Copyright 2016 - 2024