Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,22

shirtless like the Mollai.

Finally, he walked out of the room and stopped.

He saw Kaira smiling as she walked out of another room. She wore loose gray pants, and just a black sports top that she’d clearly been wearing under her clothes. It cupped her breasts tightly and left her flat, toned belly bare.

Her gaze met his.

“It’s nice to freshen up,” she said.

He nodded. They walked together to rejoin Aurelai. The protective Lennar hovered near the Mollai leader.

They ate more flowers. Drank. More Mollai brought bowls of jellied flowers that Aurelai told them was a dessert.

“So, you avoid the Kantos?” Thane asked.

Lennar nodded. “We surveil them, but they don’t often venture down here.” A faint smile. “They’ve learned not to.”

Kaira leaned forward. “You don’t want to fight the Kantos? Drive them off your planet?”

Aurelai shook her head. “Our numbers are not great, and many of our population are only children. We have warriors for protection, but we aren’t fighters. We live, love, create, celebrate. We don’t have it in us to destroy our lives to fight a war.”

Thane didn’t think Lennar agreed, but the warrior did nod. “We cannot match the numbers of the ravagers.”

“Please eat, drink, and recharge,” Aurelai said. “We offer you sanctuary for as long as you need it.”

“Thank you, Aurelai.” Thane met Lennar’s gaze. “Tomorrow, we need a way to the surface.”

“We have to contact our people,” Kaira said.

Aurelai nodded. “I understand. Lennar will show you to the above tomorrow, but for now, rest.”

The Mollai leader clapped her hands.

Music started. People played delicate stringed instruments and tiny flutes.

Kaira shifted on the cushion, her shoulder brushing against Thane’s. He sensed that his mate was relaxed and happy.

He finally let himself relax.

This would be a much-needed pause before they faced the Kantos again.

Chapter Nine

Kaira tapped a toe to the music. It had a haunting undertone, but a sweet, romantic beat.

Her belly was full. She couldn’t believe how filling the neelianna flowers were. She’d also had two bowls of the Mollai dessert.

She was tired, but she was relaxed. For a moment, she could let the stress of this ordeal melt away. Take a short break to recharge.

She and Thane were alive. That’s what mattered.

She glanced sideways at him as he watched the musicians. His bare chest was a huge distraction. He had slabs of toned muscle that she wanted to stare at. Her fingers itched to touch. A doctor should not be built like that.

Some Mollai got up to dance. The younger children joined in with excited squeals, moving with great abandon and enthusiasm. All the older couples moved slower, gracefully in sync with the music.

Smiling, she watched as a man whirled a smiling woman into his arms.

“Music is an important part of our culture.” Aurelai said. “Our vision is not as acute as yours, as it’s not needed down here. But we possess very good hearing, so music resonates with us deeply. And we love art and gardening. Creation.”

Some girls came over to Aurelai. With a smile, the Mollai leader let them take her onto the dance floor. Then the woman dipped and swirled as she danced.

“She’s good,” Kaira said.

“Very graceful,” Thane agreed.

Lennar stomped over to the leader, a scowl on his face.

Aurelai cupped the man’s cheek, smiled, then kissed the warrior.

Oh, they were a couple. The pair moved into a close dance, moving as one. Lennar was a good dancer, too. He held Aurelai tucked closely against him.

“Can you dance?” Kaira asked Thane.

“No. That’s not part of an Eon warrior’s training.”

More children raced over. They shyly touched Kaira’s dark hair, entranced. Then they pulled her to her feet.

Thane smiled. “Go.”

She let herself be dragged onto the dance floor.

She moved to the music and smiled at the children. Then she closed her eyes. Her body turned languid, like water. She lifted her arms, then bent backward and flowed.

It had been so long since she’d danced. She’d always loved losing herself to the rhythm. The music changed, and she felt it in her veins. She moved, turned, dipped.

She opened her eyes. Many of the Mollai were watching her with appreciation.

She turned.

Thane was watching her too.

Her chest locked, heat curling in her belly.

The look in his eyes…

She kept moving, dancing just for him. Joy, desire, heat, it all coalesced inside her. She spun and looked back.

Thane’s green-black eyes were on her. The blue-white light of the cavern didn’t diminish the gold of his skin, the handsome lines of his face. There was such heat in the way he watched her.

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