Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,20

she looked up, spears were pointed at her head. She heard Thane grunt.

The light returned to normal and she saw several muscled warriors around her. They all had ghost-white, pearlescent skin with a faint blue undertone. They all wore fitted, gray trousers, and had bare chests. They were lean, with muscled abs and strong arms. She looked up.

They had no hair, just smooth heads and eyes that were pure white. She glanced over and noted several more warriors surrounding Thane. He was on his knees as well, his hands in the air. One of the warriors had a spear pointed right to his lower back.

“Who are you?” she asked.

One warrior turned his head in her direction. He had a carved jaw, high cheekbones, but a sightless gaze that seemed to look right through her.

He said something in a deep, resonant voice, but she didn’t understand the musical language.

“He said they are the Mollai,” Thane translated.

Of course, Thane understood. He’d have lingual tech implanted, like Space Corps officers did.

The warrior’s skin glowed and he looked at another warrior. Kaira realized that the second warrior was a woman. She was shirtless like the others, but with small, high breasts. She looked like a marble statue.

Kaira realized they were communicating. “They’re telepathic?”

Thane nodded.

The warrior stepped closer and said something. Grumbles filled the cavern from the other warriors.

“He asked if we’re with the ravagers,” Thane said. “He must mean the Kantos.” Thane spoke back in the same musical language.

The warrior studied Thane, then Kaira. He spoke again.

Thane’s brows drew together. “He said, if you allow him, he can use his telepathy to help you understand their language.”

Kaira swallowed. She didn’t like the idea of anyone having access to her brain, but at least he’d asked her permission. “Do you think we can trust them?”

“They consider the Kantos their enemy, so I think so.”

She traded a glance with Thane, then she nodded.

The warrior didn’t touch her, but she felt the faintest warmth encircle her skull.

Here goes nothing. “You’re native to Crolla?”

“Yes,” the warrior replied. “This is our planet, and has been since the birth of the Mollai.”

Oh, wow. She understood every word he said. He was facing her, but his white eyes didn’t seem focused on her. She lifted a hand and waved it a little.

“I am not blind, intruder, although we do not rely solely on our vision alone.”

“Right. Sorry. So you’re enemies of the Kantos?”

“Yes. The invaders. The ravagers.” Anger vibrated in the warrior’s voice.

“We aren’t with them,” Kaira said. “They are our enemy, too. They’re planning to invade my planet.” She gestured at Thane. “Thane’s people are helping us fight them.”

The warrior stared at her. She guessed his vision wasn’t that great, but she didn’t doubt he had other acute senses.

“Why are you here?” he asked.

“The Kantos took us,” Thane said. “They dumped us here for their young soldiers to hunt.”

The warrior scowled. “Bands of the young invaders roam the planet. Killing, consuming.”

“We aren’t lying,” Kaira said. “The Kantos are our enemy as well.”

The warrior was silent for a moment, then nodded his head. “Come. We’ll take you to meet Aurelai.”

“Who’s that?” Slowly, Kaira rose, and moved over to Thane. He took her hand.

“She is our leader,” the warrior said. “Now, walk, intruders.”

The Mollai warriors led Thane and Kaira through twisting tunnels. The place was a maze, and he knew they would never find a way out on their own.

“This is a good defense,” Kaira said. “If the Kantos ever got in here, there’s no way they could navigate this.”

The lead warrior stopped in front of a stone wall. It was covered with more of the geometric gold markings they’d seen before.

He stepped forward and pressed his hand to the stone.

A glow pulsed through the markings, then the stone groaned, and a portion of the wall slid open.

“Come.” He waved them inside.

Thane sensed that the warriors were still tense and alert. The leader didn’t trust them.

They moved down another tunnel and it slowly widened.

The art in here was different. There were images of pale blue-white Mollai figures dancing, sharing meals, farming what looked like beautiful, white flowers. Some of the art was more erotic—couples entwined together in intimate embraces. A man and a woman holding each other, two women kissing, others with two, three and even four males making love.

They stepped into a large, domed cavern, and Thane knew they were deep underground, but it was washed in white-blue light.

Bioluminescent plants covered the ceiling. The space was dotted with carved stone furniture Copyright 2016 - 2024