Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,18


It was another pool of water, being filled by the roaring flow tumbling down from above. He reached the edge and dragged them both onto the rocky shore.

Kaira flopped on her back. Her wet hair stuck to her head.

As they watched, the waterfall slowly decreased, and then stopped.

She grabbed his hand and squeezed.

He squeezed back.

“We need to search for a way out.” He didn’t want to be here if the water started rising again.

She nodded and pushed to her feet. Then she swayed.


He swung her around. She blinked, her eyes unfocused.

“I… It hurts.”

“What?” he demanded.

Her cheeks were flushed. He touched her neck. She was burning up.

“Kaira, tell me—”

She collapsed.

Thane caught her and lifted her into his arms. He moved away from the water’s edge and set her down on the stone floor.

She moaned.

“Hold on, Kaira.” He touched her face.

Her eyes were completely unfocused, like she didn’t see him.

Panic was slick in his veins, and Thane fought to find the doctor inside him. He’d treated thousands of people without ever letting fear take over.

But this time, he couldn’t quite find that calm. He commanded his helian, and her scale armor melted away. Instantly, he saw her shirt was torn. When he saw her shoulder, he hissed.

It was red and inflamed where she’d been scratched.

He cursed.

“Thane.” Her voice was weak and she thrashed.

“Shh. I’m going to take care of you.”


He studied the scratch. It was infected. Likely some sort of poison.

He needed to use havv, and he only had one vial with him. He hadn’t been expecting to be abducted when he’d visited Earth. He pulled it out without hesitation and dripped it onto her wound. He smoothed it over her skin.

She writhed.

“I know. I know.” He pulled her into his lap. “Let the healing happen.”

There was sweat on her brow, and her eyes opened. Her pupils were dilated.


“I’m here.”

Her brow creased and her gaze latched onto his face.

“You’re really pretty,” she murmured.

He fought back a smile. “Just rest now.”

“I love your eyes. And your jaw. And your lips.” She made a sound. “I really like kissing you.”

He fought back a groan.

“I want you so badly, but I’m so afraid to reach out.”

“Kaira—” His hands flexed on her. She was killing him.

“Could fall for you,” she whispered. “Strong, smart, sexy warrior.”

“Kaira.” He pressed his forehead to hers. “You’ll hate that you told me this.”

“Glad we’re together. Whatever happens, I’m really glad you’re with me, Thane.”

“Me too, Starlight. Now rest.”

“Starlight. Like that.”

“It’s from a famous Eon poem. A warrior calls his most cherished mate his starlight in the darkness.”

“Pretty.” Her eyelashes fluttered closed. She had thick, ridiculously long lashes.

Thane sat back and stroked her temple.

His mate was beautiful. With her brown skin, high cheekbones and those long eyelashes. And so small, yet so strong and tough. A mix of contradictions, his mate.

Telling him that she would never get close to someone again, then telling him that she wanted him.


He wanted her so much he could barely breathe.

He stroked her dark hair. It was drying after their trip through the water. All he could focus on was getting to the Kantos base, getting the message out, and keeping Kaira safe.

Until they made it off Crolla, he wouldn’t risk her by giving into his desire.

Then he felt the stirring of the mating fever.

He gritted his teeth. He would protect her, from himself, as well.

“Rest now, Kaira.”

He stayed close, watching the rise and fall of her chest. She seemed to be resting calmly now.

He needed her healed so they could keep moving and get to the base.

For now, he’d keep watch and make sure nothing disturbed her sleep.

Chapter Eight

She blinked her eyes. She felt like she’d been run over by a truck.


Thane’s handsome face came into view. God, she could stare at him all day.

“You with me?” he asked.

She nodded. “What happened? I remember the waterfall from hell, then it gets hazy.”

“You were scratched by those bear predators. It was poisoning you.”

She touched her shoulder, remembering burning pain. “It feels okay now. I’m just tired.”

“The havv fixed the injury, and my helian will do what it can to feed you some energy.”

Because they were mates. For some reason, the thought didn’t make her panic quite so much.

Kaira sat up and nearly fell sideways.

Thane grabbed her and pulled her against his chest. “Easy.”

She might need another minute or two. “We need to find a way out—”

“Rest. Doctor’s orders.”

With a sigh, she leaned against him. He was so warm. She moved her hand and it landed on his Copyright 2016 - 2024