Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,13

from my mom.”

Thane shifted a little and heard her gasp.

“Kaira? Did I hurt you?”

“No. Nope.” Color streaked her cheeks.

He stilled. Her gaze locked with his and he saw it. Desire.

“Don’t look at me like that,” he said, voice deepening. “You said you couldn’t do this.”

“I know. I meant the mating thing.” She licked her lips, her gaze settling on his mouth. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not attracted.”

He felt his gut knot with need. “Kaira, what the cren am I supposed to do with that?”

“I know.” A husky whisper. “It’s not fair to you.” She shifted against him.

All his body felt was her, his mate. His unruly cock responded, and since it was jammed against her belly, she couldn’t miss it.

Her eyes widened. “Thane.”

“Ignore it. We’re both under the effects of the pollen.”

She swallowed. “It’s pretty hard to ignore.” Her chest was rising and falling quickly against his.

Pure torture.

“We need a distraction,” she said. “Um…”

“What do you do in your time off?” he asked desperately.

“Time off?”

“Yes, when you aren’t working.”

She nibbled her lip and he made himself look away.

“I’ve been working a lot over the last year. Taking extra shifts. Keeping busy.”

To deal with her grief. “There must be something you enjoy.”

“Before…I loved to dance,” she said quietly. “On my own. I enjoyed contemporary dance, just feeling the music.” She sighed. “I haven’t danced since my husband and father died.”

He could see her being a dancer. She was graceful.

“What about you?” she asked.

“I like to read. I’m a huge fan of the renowned Eon poets, and classic stories about the great warriors.”

She laughed. “I can totally see you sitting back, reading.”

By Eschar’s embrace, he liked this. Just being with her, talking together.

Then he felt a pulse of something.

“My helian’s responding.”

“Yes! Can you form your sword?”

“I think so.”

“Okay, then we’d better get down before some creepy crawly decides we’d make a good snack.”

Thane formed a knife. He shifted, their bodies rubbing together again. Ignoring the sensations, he got the knife on the vine and sawed. As soon as he cut into it, the vines all loosened suddenly.

“Shit!” Kaira yelped.

They both dropped and hit the verdant jungle floor.

“Oof.” Kaira rolled over, pushing up on one hand.

Thane rose to a crouch. “Are you all right?”

“Yes.” She rose, dusting herself off.

Thane stood as well. “Then let’s keep moving.”

She gave a brisk nod and set off into the trees. They trudged through the undergrowth, the air hot and humid around them.

“Thane, look,” Kaira breathed.

He glanced to the side, and through some vines covered in pretty yellow flowers, he saw ancient ruins nestled in the vegetation.

Chapter Six

The ruins were made of black stone, and streaked with gray veins. There were some intact archways and pillars, but most were just crumbled ruins.

Kaira stepped onto the smooth, stone paving. The ruins were devoid of any growth or weeds. Strange patterns were inscribed on their surfaces.

“Incredible,” Thane breathed.

“Some ancient species must have called this planet home.” She stroked the stone archway. “It’s so strange that it isn’t covered in growth.”

He frowned. “Very strange.”

Kaira touched the archway again and stilled. “The stone’s warm.”

Suddenly, the ground vibrated under their feet. She spun, scanning for danger, and saw Thane do the same.

The archways trembled.

Kaira stumbled toward him. “What the hell?”

Then the archways moved and her pulse spiked.

The rocks moved, changing, transforming.

“Oh, my God,” she breathed.

The stones shifted and lengthened, joining together until a huge, humanoid figure, made entirely of stone, almost as tall as the trees, towered over them.

Then it roared and slammed a giant stone fist into the ground.

The shockwave sent Kaira flying back into Thane.

“Uh-oh.” She stared in horror as the creature, thing, whatever the hell it was, loomed over her and Thane.

The damn rocks had come to life.

“What is it?” she asked.

“I’m not sure. Its reading is organic. Perhaps some sort of silicon-based lifeform.”

An alien made of rocks.

Thane formed a heavy axe, his fingers curling around the handle.

Kaira imagined a hammer, and it formed in her hands. Man, helians were incredible.

Thane rushed in and spun, slamming the axe against the alien’s leg.

It cleaved into the rock, leaving a crack, but the creature stayed upright. It roared and swung a huge fist.

Thane ducked.

Kaira ran in behind the alien rock creature. With a cry, she swung her hammer and slammed it into the alien’s back.

Several chips of rock flew off, but there was no real damage.

The creature spun and slammed its fists down on either side of her.



Thane leaped onto the alien’s arm. Kaira surged backward, and Thane smashed his axe Copyright 2016 - 2024