Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors #8) - Anna Hackett Page 0,11

too bad. Will the armor repair?”

He nodded. From what he could see, the scratch was thankfully shallow. His helian would help her body heal it.

She sucked in a breath.

“It hurts?” he asked.

“No.” Her voice lowered.

He slid his hand to her neck and felt the fast tick of her pulse. Then he looked into her eyes and felt a stir of heat in his gut.

Desire burned there, hard and hot. His own need flared to life. He was so glad she wasn’t hurt and alive.

“Thane.” Her gaze ran over his face.

Then she closed the gap between them.

As soon as her lips touched his, Thane wrapped his arms around her. She felt so good.

She cupped his head, hummed, and deepened the kiss.

He felt a deeper heat. Cren, was this the mating fever stirring?

Her tongue stroked his and he gripped her hips. “You’re so beautiful, Kaira,” he murmured against her lips.

Beautiful. Brave. Tough. His mate was magnificent.

She made a needy sound, then she stiffened and wrenched away.

Hurriedly, she scrambled to her feet. “I’m sorry. I can’t do this.”

Thane’s hands curled into fists. He fought for control. “I’ll never hurt you, Kaira. Never force you.”

“I know. I want you.” She blew out a breath. “But…I can’t get involved. I can’t.”

He rose, emotions tearing at him. She’d made it clear that she didn’t want him or their mating. It felt like claws tearing at his gut, worse than anything this planet’s creatures could do to him.

He looked at the ground. “I understand.” Then he met her gaze.

She took a step toward him, then stopped herself. “It isn’t personal, Thane. I just can’t…” She swallowed. “We need to focus on getting off the planet.”

He pulled in a deep breath. She was right. Survival had to be their main focus.

“What now?” she asked, trying to sound businesslike.

Trying to shift his mind off his desire for her, he scanned the landscape. There were no signs of the predators that had attacked them, but there were some large ominous-looking shadows in the distance.

There was also the mountain range, just jagged shadows, and more slab-like rocks spearing into the air.

Then he noticed something.

“See that?” he pointed.

Kaira squinted and shook her head. “I can only make out vague shadows.”

“On the nearest mountain. There’s a cocoon-like structure attached at the side of it. It’s Kantos construction.”

She sucked in a breath. “Their base here on Crolla?”

“They’d need a base here, or bases. Somewhere to bring in the juvenile soldiers to the planet.” He studied the bulbous outline. “There would also be a comms system.”

“Something we could use to get a message out to the Eon.” She smiled.

He nodded. “We can piggyback off the Kantos comms.”

“But first, we need to get there and sneak in.” She nodded. “We can do this, Thane.”

He knew they could. He had the greatest motivation. Kaira might not want a mate, but he would protect her with his life.

“Let’s get off this outcrop,” he said.

She grabbed his arm and he felt her touch deeply.

“I’m sorry, Thane. I wish things could be different…for us.”

There was true regret in her dark eyes.

He gave her a quick nod, despite his tight chest.

Just then, a faint buzzing sound filled the air.

He frowned. “Get down.”

They lay flat against the rocks and Thane peered over the edge.

“Over there,” she whispered, pointing to the left.

A small pack of Kantos soldiers came into view. They were moving fast, flowing across the rocky ground. Then they paused.

Thane noted they were a little thinner than the soldiers he usually encountered.

“Juveniles,” she murmured.

They milled around a little and the one in the lead was looking toward the outcrop.

“You think they can detect us?” she asked.

“I don’t think so. They might have been tracking the creatures that attacked us.”

Finally, the juveniles moved away. The leader kept staring at the outcrop for a moment, before it finally swiveled and followed the others.

“Phew,” Kaira said.

Thane watched until the soldiers disappeared into the haze. “Let’s get going. It’s a long journey to reach the Kantos base.”

They climbed down, checking that the bear-wolves were gone, then headed in the direction of the Kantos base.

Thane’s jaw was tight. It wouldn’t be an easy journey. It was rough ground, and ahead lay another large patch of dense vegetation.

And who knew how many other predators and dangers they’d come across?

They moved into a light jog.

It was both torture and pleasure to be with his mate. A woman not interested in love or mating.

Surviving an aborted mating was difficult. It rarely ever happened. But once mated, he’d never heard Copyright 2016 - 2024