Soul Bonded - By Meghan Malone Page 0,16

whose large erection jutted out from between his legs like a weapon.

In a single breath, Katie’s terror deepened beyond anything she could have imagined. Her entire sense of reality shattered at the sheer insanity of watching beast turn into man. The wolf-man licked her blood off his lips. “It tastes delicious.”

The white wolf morphed into a well-built blond man whose arousal rivaled his friend’s. “It smells delicious, too.”

It. She was nothing to these two—only prey. Katie turned and tried to run, but a solid shape hit her from behind and knocked her forward into the snow. The gray wolf, a man no longer, grabbed onto her other leg, wrenching a pained gasp from her lungs.

“Hey!” The blond man yanked his partner away from her leg. “Don’t chew it up until I have a chance to fuck it.”

The gray wolf shifted back into human form, his mouth dripping with her blood. “Chewing’s my favorite part.”

“Well, fucking’s mine.” The blond bent and rolled her onto her back, pressing her deep into the snow. Claustrophobia overwhelmed her as cold surrounded her on all sides. The man ripped open Rafe’s coat, then wrenched it off her shoulders. “Just give me a few minutes and then you can do whatever you want. But I’m not screwing your leftovers.”

Katie twisted away from the blond man’s hands, but without leverage, she couldn’t pull herself out of the snow grave he’d created using the weight of her body. Tears spilled over and she sobbed as both men began to tear away her clothing.

“Fuck, you’re overdressed.” The man who’d bitten her released his handful of her ripped shirt and backhanded her across the face. “Stupid bitch.”

She squeezed her eyes shut as tight as she could. She didn’t want to watch. She couldn’t stand to see what they were doing. They’d barely even started and already she wished they would just kill her.

A vicious snarl arose from somewhere near. Katie opened her eyes in time to see a dark shape slam into the blond man, taking him down into the snow beside her. The newcomer, a jet black wolf, bit the blond man, who changed back into his beast form and threw himself into the tussle. Their enraged snarls filled the air as the fight migrated away from where she was entombed.

“Fuck this.” The biter continued to pull down her pants. “I’m not waiting around so some other wolf can use you up.”

She pushed against his chest in a futile attempt to fend him off. He caught her across the face with his knuckles, lazily, as though swatting away an insect. Then he went back to work, grabbing her thin undershirt and rending the material with his hands.

A sharp, keening whimper caught the biter’s attention. He released her and stood up, growling in the direction of the other wolves. “The fuck?”

A familiar voice responded. “She’s mine.”

Katie’s muscles turned to water. Rafe had found her.


“Yours?” The biter laughed, then spat in Katie’s direction. She struggled to sit, desperate to escape from her frozen prison. “I found it first.”

“Actually, you didn’t. I found her a couple days ago.” Rafe met her eyes when she finally sat up. Naked and also fully aroused, he stood over the crumpled body of the blond man, blood staining the snow around his bare legs. The blond’s throat had been torn out and Rafe’s chin dripped with crimson. He pinned her with a hard look. “I simply misplaced her tonight.”

“Oh, well.” The biter twisted her hair in his fist until she cried out. “Finders, keepers. I thought your pack didn’t go for humans, anyway.”

“We don’t hunt them, no.” Disdain passed over Rafe’s handsome face. “We don’t kill them.”

“So then what do you care?” He dragged Katie up and held her against his naked thigh. “You want a turn after me? I can’t promise I won’t chew her up a little. I’ll leave her face, though. Keep her pretty for you.”

Rafe’s expression hardened. “You’re not going to touch her. In fact, I suggest you take your hands off her right now.”

The biter sniffed, staring Rafe down, then nodded at the body on the ground. “He dead?”

Rafe’s icy stare never wavered. “Yeah.”

“You killed one of your own kind for a human. Think your alpha will agree with that?”

“I’ll deal with my alpha.” Rafe took a step closer, never breaking eye contact with the biter. “Let Katie go. Now.”

“Katie?” The hand in her hair jerked sharply, bringing fresh tears to her eyes. “It has a name?”

Rafe lunged forward with Copyright 2016 - 2024