Songs for Libby - Annette K. Larsen Page 0,6

“Next time, will you just leave with Randy?” I was begging. Even I could hear the tears in my voice, and it was pathetic and he might think I was doing it to manipulate him, but I swear I wasn’t.

He struggled to swallow, his face painted in shame as he dropped his eyes and nodded.

I let the door go.

“I just miss you,” he said as the door started to close.

“I don’t know what that means. I’m here. I’m always here.” The soft thud of the doors sealing cut off anything else I could have said, and my words echoed back to me. I was always there for him.

I just wished he could be there for me once in a while.


After all the disappointments

All the lies and all the trouble

She just stood there being double

What a friend should ever be

With her eyes on the skies

And my head full of whys

The moment she said it I knew

I loved her more than me

—Sean Amity


I dozed on and off as my Uber took me home. When I wasn’t dozing I was mulling over what had happened. Sean was belligerent, stubborn and, frankly, whiny when he was drunk, but tonight…he’d shoved me away so hard I could have been hurt, and then he’d hit on me.

Hitting on me was a new low for him. No matter what bad decisions he made, he’d always treated me like a person, never being insulting or downright nasty. Until tonight.

A deep sigh escaped me.

Sean’s hotel had been in the heart of the city. It was an hour-and-a-half drive back to Newburgh. This was what the record label did when he was in town for work. They put him in a hotel, the better to keep tabs on him and keep him focused. His house out in the country with the gate and the housekeeper was only thirty minutes from my apartment. He’d done that on purpose, to stay close to me. Sometimes I resented it. Most of the time I was grateful, even though he really wasn’t there much.

After an hour of driving and failing to come up with any answer about Sean, I remembered Jonas and pulled out my phone. Thankfully it had a little battery left.

Me: Hi Jonas. I can’t apologize enough for ditching you last night. I was enjoying myself and wouldn’t have left if it hadn’t been an emergency. Again, I’m sorry. I wish you all the best.

I didn’t expect a response.

We’d been matched on a dating app that Tara and Felicity had pretty much forced me to sign up for. I had given in because I knew they were right. I needed to get out there, to date, to have my life less wrapped up in Sean. Not that they knew about Sean. We’d become friends my last year of college, and by that time I’d become an expert at keeping my Sean life separate from the rest of my life. Still, they could see how unbalanced my social life was and they’d pushed me to try something new. I’d only gone out with two matches before tonight and both had been duds. Nice enough guys, but no spark. Last night was my first face-to-face meeting with Jonas. He’d been just as cute as his picture and just as funny as our messages back and forth had suggested. And unlike the others, there had been chemistry. Too bad I’d screwed that up.

My phone buzzed and I looked at it in surprise. Jonas was calling me. Not just texting back, but actually calling me.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hey. I just wanted to check on you. How’s your friend?”

My face was rumpled in confusion at his friendly words. “He’s fine.”

There was a pause. “He, huh? Should I be worried that you ditched me for a booty call?” he teased.

My laughter held no humor whatsoever. “I should probably make it clear that I don’t do booty calls, no matter who is calling.”

“I’ll remember that.” He suddenly sounded cheerier than before. “Seriously though, I wanted to call because your text kind of seemed like a goodbye. Or maybe a brush-off?” He sounded a little unsure of himself. It was sweet.

“If I was going to brush you off, I wouldn’t have answered my phone,” I said. “I’m actually surprised you responded at all. I didn’t exactly make the best first impression.”

“The first half of the impression was great. The second half…yeah, that was a little weird, but I’d like a do-over if you’re up for it.”

I smiled, latching on Copyright 2016 - 2024