Song of Dragons The Complete Trilogy - By Daniel Arenson Page 0,178

Dei said. Tears filled her eyes. "We should have killed you long ago. I will kill you now."

The blades clanged a third time. Gloriae narrowed her eyes, and her cheeks flushed. "Agnus Dei, listen to me. Kyrie loves you. I knew it when I lay with him. And it's still true."

The blades clashed. "So why did you two... you two...." Agnus Dei grunted and sobbed. "It's disgusting."

The blades clanged, raised sparks, and Gloriae kicked. Her foot hit Agnus Dei's shin.

Agnus Dei fell into the dirt, and Gloriae stepped on her wrist, holding the sword down. Agnus Dei tried to kick and struggle, but Gloriae pressed a knee into her chest, pinning her down.

Kyrie stood up and watched them, rubbing his elbow. He wanted to intervene, but knew he shouldn't. He knew he must only watch now, and let the sisters battle it out.

"I seduced him," Gloriae said to her sister, face blank, eyes cold. "I got him drunk, and I seduced him. He had little say in the matter."

"Why?" Agnus Dei demanded , lying pinned below her sister.

"Because he loves you," Gloriae said. "That's why. Because he missed you. Because he talked about you all the time. Because I knew that, as soon as you two reunited, you'd be together forever, you'd get married, you'd have children. I needed his child before that happened."

Agnus Dei snarled. "His child?"

Gloriae nodded. "We need more Vir Requis. There are only three females left, and we need to bear children. All of us. Lacrimosa, you, and me. I saw my chance. I took it. It only happened once, Agnus Dei, and against his will. I wanted to lie with him more times, but he wouldn't let me. If you must hate somebody, hate me, not him. He loves you. He doesn't care for me; you are all he wants."

Agnus Dei's eyes softened, and she loosened the grip on her sword. It fell from her hand.

"Get off me," she said to Gloriae. "I won't hurt you."

Gloriae removed her knee from Agnus Dei's chest and stood up. Agnus Dei also stood and stared at Gloriae, her eyes red and watery.

"Are you pregnant?" she asked.

"I don't know," Gloriae said.

Agnus Dei gave her sister a long, searching stare. Her face was hard. Gloriae stared back, face blank, ash darkening her hair. Finally Agnus Dei spoke again.

"Leave us."

Gloriae nodded, sheathed her sword, and turned to leave. Soon she disappeared behind the ruins.

Agnus Dei turned to Kyrie. His heart pounded when her eyes met his. Those brown eyes seemed full of so many emotions: Kyrie saw love, hate, rage, and fear there. Agnus Dei trembled. He walked toward her and embraced her.

"I'm sorry," he said.

She squirmed, trying to free herself. "Don't touch me. I can only imagine you touching her."

He kissed a tear off her cheek. "I know. I hate myself for it. I was stupid. I was wrong. Please forgive me."

She slapped his face. Hard. White light flashed, and stars flew before his eyes.

"Don't you dare kiss me," she said.

He held his burning cheek.

"Agnus Dei—" he began, reaching out toward her.

She brought her knee into his stomach. He doubled over, and she punched him. Pain exploded. He fell to the ground, moaning, the stars swirling before him.

"Agnus Dei, stop—" he said, but felt her grab his hair. She pulled him up, and he groaned, and stood again before her. She backhanded him, knocking him back two steps.

"Kyrie," she said, " if you hurt me again, I'm going to hurt you badly. This was nothing. This was only a taste. If you ever touch another girl, I swear by the stars, I'm going to give you the beating of a lifetime. It would make this one look like a caress."

He cursed, voice hoarse. He felt blood tickle down his chin and a bruise spread under his eye.

"Bloody stars," he managed to say. "Deal, all right? Now do you forgive me?"

She grabbed his face, digging her fingers into his cheeks. Kyrie thought she would hit him again. She snarled, eyes blazing.

"I will never forgive you," she said, "but I still love you."

She kissed him on the lips. He kissed her back, and wrapped his arms around her. She embraced him, and they kissed for a long time among the ruins. Finally they broke apart.

Kyrie took her hand.

"Marry me, Agnus Dei," he said.

She snorted. "Pup, go marry a nightshade."

They walked back to camp, hand in hand.


He stood, hands on hips, staring at the wagons. They were large wagons, twenty feet tall Copyright 2016 - 2024