Son and Throne - Diana Knightley Page 0,89

daena ken if my winglygibbon made it through, I canna feel it.”

“It all made it through, you’re just drugged up, and thankfully numb.” I clutched his hand to my cheek. “I thought he was going to kill you.”

“I did as well, m’bhean ghlan.”

“I will never forgive him.”

“Och, ye canna hold it against him.”

I looked at him incredulously. “Of course I can! Why wouldn’t I?”

“Because he was in the midst of battle, m’bhean ghlan.”

“Well, fine, you can forgive him if you want, but I won’t, not ever. And frankly I think you should listen to me. Forgiving someone who held a gun to you, threatening to murder you, is not okay.”

Fraoch said, “Nae, m’bhean ghlan, I think ye should listen tae me on it. Og Maggy had gone intae intae the darkness of battle. Tis nae easy tae pull yerself from it once ye hae descended intae it.” I watched his expression as he spoke, he was earnest. “And tis harder for Magnus than most. Daena tell him I said this, he is verra good at killin’. He has been trained tae it and driven tae it. He has been made tae take lives and has tae descend intae that darkness verra often. I think sometimes for a man there is a path tae it and Og Maggy’s path is more direct than most. He was killin’ tae protect himself, tae protect his family, and while he was killin’ he was told that I was the greatest threat tae them all. I am surprised tae be alive.”

“That means he’s dangerous, he’s—”

“Nae, he stopped himself, it means he is stronger than most. If our places had been changed I would hae killed him.”


“Och aye, tae hae killed that many men and tae stop afore killin’ the last? Tae stop afore killin’ the one who was hired tae murder ye, a brother who has conspired for the throne? If ye canna forgive him, at least understand him.”

“Yeah, okay. He did go after Katie.”

“Aye, he would do anythin’ for her, ye hae tae respect that.”

“I do, but I’m surprised, I totally thought you would want to beat his ass.”

“Och, I am goin’ tae give him a thrashin’, ye better believe it. He will need tae beg me for mercy, but he kens it. He will submit.”

I sighed, “Men are weird.” Then I asked, “Did you conspire against him?”

“Aye, I was hired tae kill him. I soon changed m’mind. I kent that the man who hired me was nae the side I wanted tae be on. I hae been a friend tae Og Maggy since.”

“Good, don’t keep stuff like that from me. That is a sin. Don’t do it.” I sighed again. “But what now?”

“Now we hae tae make sure Lady Mairead rescues them so I daena hae tae become king. I canna imagine a worse thing.”

“Yeah, me neither. I’ve seen what being a king is like, that shit sucks. He’s always got someone trying to kill him.”

“Exactly, m’bhean ghlan, when a man is goin’ through it ye hae tae hope ye daena get in the way.”

I nodded. “Okay, this one time, I will forgive him. He did seem really freaked out. But also, I’ll add this, I will forgive him more if he brings her home.”

“Twill depend on Lady Mairead then, ye need tae speak tae her on her plans.”

“Then that’s what I’ll do.” I found a clean spot on the side of his cheek and kissed him there. “And you know what is cool? We are Auntie Hayley and Uncle Fraoch now. Me and you.”

“Aye, I hae come upon a family I dinna ken I had.”

Sixty - Hayley

I passed Quentin and James on my way to the castle.

Quentin asked, “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to talk to Lady Mairead. I’m going to offer her help if she needs it, find out her plan.”

He said, “I don’t know, that sounds like trouble... Maybe I should do it. I think she likes me.”

“How can that be trouble? I’m just going to talk to her. It’s fine, woman to woman. I got this. Think of all the step-mother wannabes I’ve dealt with. I know how.”

They followed me to the castle and offered to lurk nearby, as he put it, in case it got dangerous. “Whatever,” I said, but then agreed.

I found Lady Mairead in the hallway. She looked her usual formidable self, giving me second thoughts about approaching her. I started to cross my arms, but then put them at my sides awkwardly. “May I speak Copyright 2016 - 2024