Son and Throne - Diana Knightley Page 0,126

winna be.” He pulled himself to sitting.

I grabbed hold of Hayley’s knee and got to sitting too. “I might cry a little, but yeah, we know we were gone for a year.”

Hayley took my hand. “The thing is, Isla is a year old, you get that, right?”

I nodded and chewed my lip. “Where are they?”

“She’s inside with Emma, sweetie, I’m telling you this so you know, she thinks Emma’s ‘mama’. It’s nobody’s fault. It’s just the way...”

“Of course. Yeah, of course.”

Magnus said, “Chef Zach, Lady Mairead tells us ye hae a new bairn?”

“Yes, she’s a few months old now, but yeah, her name is Zoe.”


“I just wanted to ask you, I mean, you can’t loop back, right? Zoe was born, you can’t redo. You know that right? Because she’s here.”

“I ken, Chef Zach. Kaitlyn and I both ken. Tis impossible tae loop back intae the time we were gone, I wouldna do it. I am verra glad tae hear that there has been a new life gifted tae yer family in our absence. It gives me a comfort tae ken it.”

Chef Zach got misty-eyed. “Fuck man, I was not expecting that, thank you. I was worried. We didn’t know what would happen, we don’t know and she...”


Magnus and I lumbered to our feet. I said, “I heard that Quentin and Fraoch made it possible for us to come home?”

Quentin said, “It took us forty-three days. I fucking counted, and someday soon, you’re going to have to listen to us tell the whole story, because that shit was crazy.”

Fraoch said, “But ye said we were nae tae speak on day twenty-seven.”

“Absolutely not, we’re taking that to our grave. Maybe we shouldn’t talk about that whole middle two weeks. Definitely not in mixed company.”

We all looked at each other, awkward for a moment, then the hugging. It had taken a moment, but once we hugged, we all had to hug. I hugged Hayley and Zach and Quentin for a long time, and Beaty took a lot of photos. Then I hugged her and then Fraoch and then Hayley again. Quentin was joking with Magnus about bringing more horses for the stable that, technically, he wasn’t allowed to have. Only then did I realize... “Wait a second, what’s Fraoch doing here?”

And everyone laughed. And my eyes drew up to the boardwalk, Emma backlit by the sun, a baby in her sling. A bigger baby on her hip. I inhaled, the baby in her arms was the size Isla had been. The world felt suddenly so cruel.

“Is that?”

“Yeah, that’s Isla.”

“Yeah.” I said. I waved up at Emma with a sad smile and she waved down.

I called up, “Where are the boys?”

She said, “They’re in the house.”

I turned to Magnus. “Ready to go up?”

At the deck I said, “Hi Isla,” patting her back. She tucked her face to Emma’s shoulder and then hid her face in Emma’s hair. My throat tightened. I peeked in the sling at the baby’s face, a sweetly nursing newborn.

“She’s a beautiful baby.” I squeaked out, “Welcome to the family.” I met Emma’s eyes.

We hugged. “I’m so sorry,” she said.

“No,” I said, “no worries, thank you for all you did.” As we withdrew I let my hand trail across Isla’s little back and she burst into tears.

I supposed she got that from me, crying, even when doing so might break someone’s heart.

We walked into the house. Archie was standing at the sliding glass door, palms on the glass staring down the boardwalk. I said, “Hi Archie.”

But his eyes were full of rage and leveled on Magnus. And as Magnus came to the door he yelled, “No! No! You can’t come in!”

Magnus said, “Och little man.”

Archie tried to push the glass door closed, using all his strength, “No! No!”

Zach and Emma tried to intervene but Magnus said, “No, tis okay.”

He pulled the glass door open as Archie struggled against it. “Tis okay ye daena want me tae come in, I hae been gone a long time.”

Archie angrily shoved his legs. “No! Don’t come, no!”

Magnus said, “I dinna get a chance tae say goodbye. I am yer Da and I should hae—”

“I hate you! I hate you!” Archie shoved him and shoved him and Magnus climbed down on his knees and covered his head with his forearms and Archie hit and shoved and punched him screaming, “I hate you!” until he started sobbing.

Magnus lowered his arms. “Tis enough, Archibald Campbell, tis enough.”

Archie gave him one last faint-hearted shove.

Magnus’s face drew down. “Ye can Copyright 2016 - 2024