Son and Throne - Diana Knightley Page 0,117

Mairead is evil, Kaitlyn knows there’s no way to handle her without violence.”

“Yeah. True. But Isla.”

“I know. She thinks I’m mama, I totally know.”

I met Quentin, carrying a stack of papers and a laptop, to return to the pool house. The conversation there was strained: Zach was talking to Hammond about the limo they were in, but truth was, Zach didn’t know anything about cars. James would have been useful. You could see the agony in Zach’s eyes.

Fraoch was watching everyone at the able as if he was attempting to translate a foreign language. I would need to rehash the whole history to him, again, so he understood how diabolical she was.

I placed the drinks in front of them and returned to my chair.

Quentin placed the pile on the table, rifled through for the printout, and slapped it down in front of Lady Mairead. “We found this.”

“Tis Magnus’s signature!”

“I know. It’s on the bottom of this document.” He placed the other page in front of her.

“Who is this man, remind me?”

“Duke of Châtellerault, he was a regent to Mary Queen of Scots. In 1552.”

Lady Mairead perused the document. “Och, she is a sad story, I hae often wished I could go tae her and advise her differently. I decided long ago not tae of course, twould be too complicated tae advise a queen, but I do wish tae.” She flipped through another page and mused, “Her cousin Elizabeth dinna need tae be advised, but would nae it be fun tae shew her a time travel vessel? Tae let her see the effect of her reign?”

She added, “Now I ken the year, twill be easier tae recover Magnus. I will go tae late 1552.”

I said, “They might have been there for years though, what if they’re old and gray? We should investigate more, see if we can find the oldest document, go farther back. Shouldn’t we do our best to make their time shorter?”

Her face clouded over. “Nae, Madame Hayley, nae. Dost ye ken how much farther I will hae tae go already? Five years! I am doing enough, tis painful. I am doing enough.”

Quentin said, “Hammond said Magnus has radio frequency beacons, is this true? You will be able to find him once you get to 1552?”

“Aye, I am outfitted tae find him.”

Quentin said, “Good. But now we’re back to this — it’s worrisome that you’re going alone. You should take men.”

She looked down at the dagger in her hand. ”I canna trust men.”

Fraoch intruded on the conversation. “Lady Mairead, I ken ye daena think well of me, but I would offer tae go in yer stead. I ken Scotland, and I am strong and will be able tae...” He glanced around at us as if asking for the word.

“To jump?” I said. “Are you offering to do it for her?”

“Aye, I will be able tae jump. I will go.”

Lady Mairead scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous. How many times have you even traveled?”

“Two, but I am a verra good at it.” He smiled his best, most disarming grin. “I will take weapons and equipment. I winna jump back and forth. I will rest and then use the... What was it called?”

Hammond said, “The Trailblazer.”

“I can use it and rest and use it and rest until I hae gotten tae the date.”

“I work alone.”

“Ye canna, nae this time. Look at ye, ye’re exhausted and frightened of the effort. I only just met ye and I can tell twill kill ye tae continue. Best let a big strappin’ man do it. I am stronger and more suited tae the task.”

Lady Mairead’s face turned furious.

Quentin, looking from Fraoch to Lady Mairead, intervened, ”I should probably do it. Lady Mairead and I go way back. She knows me and trusts me.”

Fraoch shook his head incredulously. “The black man wants tae go tae Scotland of long ago? Black Mac, ye canna survive it without endin’ up on the wrong side of a sword.”

Quentin said, “What the hell, man? I’m a soldier. I can handle myself. Especially against a bunch of medieval men. I’ll be better armed.”

“I ken ye are capable, but I ken the landscape. I hae been livin’ in the woods. I ken tae speak tae the men. I ken how tae get tae Edinburgh.”

Lady Mairead’s eyes squinted. “You expect me tae give you one of the most important machines in the history of the world and a vessel as well? Tae the man who haena ever used them before? How can I trust ye?”

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