Son and Throne - Diana Knightley Page 0,111

rods, the cooler packed, ready to go.”

As they left I called, “Sunscreen, James! He’s from Scotland, make him wear sunscreen!”

Seventy-seven - Kaitlyn

Carrying my bow, I climbed the seventy stairs to the upper part of the castle and found Magnus up on the parapet sitting on the low wall. He had his eyes on the horizon, thinking.

“Hello, husband.”

“Hallo, mo reul-iuil, hae ye been at archery practice?”

“I have.” I held up the bow and showed him my form.

He grinned appreciatively.

I asked, “You left the meeting?”

“Aye, I needed some time. Châtellerault is misunderstandin’ Edward VI’s policy on the borders, and I hae had tae argue with him a great deal.”

“He can be such an ass.”

“Aye.” Magnus smiled. “I greatly prefer the company of Mary of Guise, she is easier tae converse with, nae so dangerous.”

“Oh shit, she’s plenty dangerous. And Châtellerault needs to watch his shit. She has plans, Magnus. I wish I had studied this period of time to know how it will turn out.”

“We must be careful. I hae m’signature on many contracts. We must be sure our advisements deana turn them from their historical path. These are the regents of the queens and kings of history, we canna change them without alterin’ our own destiny.”

“I’m glad the queen is in France where she’s safe, this is some diabolical scheming going on.”

“I am glad as well.” He took my hand. “Dost ye see David’s Tower?” He pointed at the main building in this part of the castle. “Twas built by a King David and inside those rooms there was a murder back a hundred years afore this.”


“Aye, twas at a dinner party. The teenage Earl of Douglas and his younger brother were executed in the presence of the king, James II, who was himself a young child. I come here sometimes tae sit and look upon it tae remind myself tae be cautious.”

“That’s so dark, are we in that kind of danger?”

“Nae, but there is a great deal of danger all the same. I wish I could take us from it.”

I put my head against his shoulder. “Me too, but we just have to carry on, right? We’ll survive this if we’re smart. I think Mary of Guise is going to take over as regent, and then it’ll be easier.”

Magnus said, “I am lookin’ out over all of Scotland, and wondering where I should take ye if I could. Would ye like tae go tae Glasgow?”

“God no, that’s where those men who kidnapped me were taking me, to the docks. And then in the future-future we were there, remember? I don’t really want to go... at all. What about London?”

“Edward is only fourteen, we would hae tae contend with Warwick, he is an unknown. We would hae tae relearn the politics.” He sighed, jokingly. “Twould be better tae remain, at least Mary of Guise likes ye.”

“It’s complicated, huh, highlander?”

A slow smile spread across his face, “It has been easier for me of late, because I hae been changin’ how I think of it. I am not trying tae watch the future, but lookin’ behind, watchin’ it unfold, walkin’ backward, keepin’ m’eyes on the story.”

I leaned against his chest, my gaze looking out over the landscape, too. He pointed. “Way over there, in that direction, dost ye see it? The green that spreads and the mountains beyond? There lies a castle, nestled along a river. Twas built by Sir Colin the Gray, the father of Duncan. Ye kent him while he was a wee bairn.”

“That is so weird that I nursed him.”

“Aye,” he chuckled, “but also nae, ye nursed a bairn who needed tae be nursed. Twas somethin’ kind ye did. And it is part of our story, ye are entwined with the construction of the castle and someday I will be there, a bairn m’self. And our bairn hae been there as well. If ye remember, the castle protected our bairn from Roderick. I told Sir Colin tae build strong walls.”

I leaned back, nestling into his arms.

“I like that story, what else lies back there?”

“That castle, someday, will hold m’mother and m’uncles and finally, m’brother Sean and m’sister Lizbeth and their children as well, and it will go on and on until there is a kingdom of time travelers built upon the lands and those men will rule for centuries intae the future.”

“And Magnus too, he will rule.”

“Aye, but nae, I am nae there. Ye and I hae become lost from our times. We are only visitors now, stranded, balanced on Copyright 2016 - 2024