Somewhere Over the Freaking Rainbow - By L.L. Muir Page 0,50

did it for her.

Jonathan frowned and dragged her through the door. Her boot caught on the rug, but she regained her balance.

It would have been funny, having this man act like the angry father when his teen daughter stumbles through the door in the middle of the night. But he was not her father, couldn’t possibly be worried that something had happened to her, or be angry that she’d somehow broken her word.

Implied age had nothing at all to do with their relationship. They all had their own duties to fulfill. None of them would fail. What was there to worry over?


He shook his head, as if he didn’t dare open his mouth for fear of what he might say. His hair flopped back and forth and as always, she tried not to stare at it.

“What is it? Were you worried about me?” She was confused, touched, but even to her own ears, she sounded more like the belligerent teenager she appeared to be. “I’m sorry if you were.”

“Tell her!” Jonathon looked over her shoulder and released her so she could turn and see who he was talking to.

Lucas stood in his whitest robes, blocking the entrance to the rest of the house. His arms weren’t folded, as they usually were when he was playing the part of Leader. Instead, they hung limp and lifeless at his sides. She had no doubt she could push him out of the way with one finger.

His brow wasn’t its usual stretch of smooth good humor; it was twisted as if with heartache. Had she somehow betrayed the man? Or Jonathan? They both acted as if she’d done just that.

She had suggested they not worry about her, not to come looking. What else had she done? Nothing but promise Jamison she’d stop Lucas from touching his memories again. That was all.

“Tell her, Lucas.”

“What is it? Have I done something...wrong?”

Lucas winced.

Dear Lord! She couldn’t have! If she’d truly sinned, in her present state, there was nothing to save her. She wouldn’t be allowed back Home.

But wait! She couldn’t have sinned. It was in The Agreement, that they’d be incapable of sin...of breaking...unbreakable rules.

She’d been rude? That was it? If one could be barred from Home for being rude, it was a wonder anyone returned at all. The Final Host would prove to have made the wisest choice possible if everyone were to be judged so harshly.

“Lucas please.” Jonathan’s voice was now soothing. “She’s jumping to terrible conclusions. Tell her, so she can stop thinking the worst. So she can decide.”

Jonathan had read her correctly. There was nothing so terrible than the thoughts crashing in her head.

“Yes, Lucas. For someone immune from fear, I’ve entertained enough of it tonight to make me want to run Home and let someone else finish my duty.”

“Well, Skye, that’s exactly what you need to decide. And you’ll have to make that decision on your own. We’ve been told not to interfere.”

“Told not to interfere with what?”

“Your choices. Your assignment. Your...choices.”

“What he cannot seem to tell you, my friend, is that he must stay his hand and his tongue where you are concerned. Do not seek our council. We cannot give it. You will have shelter here. You may move among us. But you will keep your own council, Skye.”

“Shunned? I’m to be shunned? Are we suddenly Amish, Jonathan?”

He ignored her.

“Tell me, Skye. How does Jamison Shaw remember things that have been removed from his mind?” Lucas looked both worried and intrigued. Mostly worried.

“I don’t know. He won’t tell me. At least he won’t tell me while he worries the knowledge will be used against him, that his mind will be...cleaned again.”

“Is it not that you have reminded him?”

That set her back on her heels.

“You think I would—or even could—tell him what we didn’t want him to remember?”

“Have you not broken an unbreakable?”

“Did you listen to the whole conversation? If you had, you’d know that I have no idea how he was able to remember.” She felt like someone had been listening in on a private phone conversation...or reading her diary! How dare they eavesdrop! She’d told them not to!

How could she be so emotional?

She knew that in reading others, Jonathan was capable of reflecting the emotion he read. In all likelihood, it was not Jonathan who was upset with her, but Lucas. He was usually a jovial soul, which proved he emitted a bit more emotion than other Somerleds. So it stood to reason he was capable of the opposite; Copyright 2016 - 2024