Someone to Love (Pride, Oregon #10) - Jill Sanders Page 0,44

of the yellow happy faces of the flowers and smiled.

“So, are you going to tell me who they are from?” Kara asked.

Glancing sideways at her sister she smiled. “Maybe.” She held the card to her chest. “Go away now. I’ll decide later.” She waved her sister away.

Kara narrowed her eyes and sighed as she left the room. “Fine, be that way,” her sister said, sulking.

Robin smiled even more when she opened the card and read George’s note.

“I know that I’m a few days late, but I’m happy that I can finally say Happy Valentine’s to you properly. -G”

“G?” Kara said directly from over her shoulder.

Robin jumped and hugged the note to her chest again.

“None of your business.” She rolled her eyes at her sister. “Go away.”

“Not until you tell me who G is.” Kara crossed her good arm over her bad one. “Are you seeing someone?” Her sister’s eyes narrowed. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because, as I said, it’s none of your business.” She replied with a smile as she sat down at her desk. She moved the vase of flowers around until she was pleased that she would get to enjoy seeing them all day long.

“I told you about me and Conner,” Kara replied. “The moment…” She dropped off. “I told you about us.”

“Yeah, and that was your prerogative. Just as it’s mine to keep this secret until we decide to tell everyone.” She glanced up at her sister. “Together.”

“Fine.” Kara shrugged and turned around. “I already know, anyway. Everyone in town has for a while.”

“Oh?” Robin asked. She could tell her sister was lying.

Kara turned to her and then gasped. “George?” Robin’s heart skipped. “He’s the only man whose name starts with a G that I know.” Her sister moved back to the edge of her desk. “George Stevens? Robin, he’s…” She could see the concern flood her sister’s eyes. “Sweetie, he’s not the type I expected you’d go for.”

“I know.” Robin leaned back and looked at the flowers with a slight smile. “But there it is. At first, he was just a… distraction.” She shrugged and turned back to her sister. “Then, things changed. He changed.” She leaned her elbows on the desk. “We broke things off, then…” She motioned to the flowers. “You called him last night and told him I was sick.” She narrowed her eyes at Kara. “Why did you call him?”

“Because I knew the two of you were friends. I had no idea that you were… together.” Kara shrugged. “I mean, you went sailing with him…” Her eyes narrowed. “How long has this togetherness been going on?”

This time, Robin shrugged. “A few months.”

“Months!” Kara sat on the edge of her desk and ran her fingers over the yellow petals of the tulips. “Months,” she said softly. “Is it serious?”

“No, it’s nothing really.” Robin instantly denied it as she played over George’s words last night. Was it serious? Sure, he’d agreed to make their relationship public and to continue seeing one another. That didn’t mean it was serious. Certainly not as serious as Kara and Conner’s relationship.

George hadn’t professed his love for her. Even in the note he’d written, he hadn’t signed it, love George. Just -G.

Did she love George? She didn’t think so. Not yet at least. Sure, she had a great fondness for him, enough that she didn’t want their relationship to end as it had the night before.

She’d been walking on air earlier that morning just knowing that they were back together and that she was going to be able to continue seeing him, enjoying him in her bed. Now, however, thanks to her sister, she was worried that she’d once again moved the relationship goal up too far.

She shook off the mood and was keeping busy by balancing the books and moving events around on the calendar when a bride called her, crying and claiming that her soon-to-be husband had cheated on her and that the wedding was off. Soon after, the mother of the bride called and claimed that her daughter was just being emotional and that the wedding wasn’t off.

Soon after that, she received a call from the groom explaining that his bride was just getting cold feet.

She didn’t know what to think and grayed out the event, keeping the date in her calendar just in case.

When a knock sounded at her door, she glanced up to see George standing there, smiling at her.

“Have time to break for lunch?” he asked her.

“Lunch?” She glanced at the clock hanging Copyright 2016 - 2024