Somebody to Hold (Tyler Jamison #2) - April Wilson Page 0,88

vehicles: two late-model gray Honda Accords. They’ll blend in well in any environment and allow us to do covert surveillance without drawing attention to ourselves.

Both of us passed the licensing exam required to be a private investigator in the state of Illinois. I have obtained my concealed carry permit, and Ian is working on getting his. We’re both signing up to take Liam McIntyre’s self-defense class at McIntyre Security.

We’ve officially formed the business and have started advertising. Now we await our first client.

I sold my condo a week ago, so there’s plenty of money in the bank to tide me over until the business starts earning a profit. Not that money is a problem. Ian has told me repeatedly that I’ll never have to worry about money. And I’ve told him, repeatedly, that I prefer to pay my own way. I have my pride.

I’m in the kitchen making coffee while Ian’s outside supervising the delivery of our office furniture. I add vanilla and caramel flavoring to Ian’s cup of coffee, and enough sweetener to fell a horse, and give it a stir. I add a dollop of whipped cream to the top and some cinnamon sprinkles just because he likes it. The other cup is plain black coffee.

As I walk out the kitchen door to the back patio, two cups of coffee in hand, I spot Ian standing on the driveway. He’s conferring with our new office manager, Jerry Harshman, who is a god send.

Jerry is a formerly homeless US veteran who Ian befriended a couple of years ago. Ian offered Jerry a job, he accepted, and now he’s supervising the renovations to the carriage house.

Fortunately for us, Jerry was a depot manager when he was in the Army, and he has excellent organizational skills. Ian’s just glad to know the man is finally off the street and has a secure roof over his head and hot food in his belly. Free use of the apartment is part of his compensation package, in addition to receiving a salary and medical benefits.

“Coffee?” I say as I join them. They’re busy watching the crew unload the truck and carry in our new office furniture.

I hand Ian his caramel-vanilla-whipped cream concoction—it might as well be a milkshake as far as I’m concerned. I offer the cup of black coffee to Jerry.

“Thanks, Tyler,” Jerry says in his deep, baritone voice.

Jerry’s a tall, sturdy guy with broad shoulders. I guess him to be in his early seventies. His iron gray hair is buzzed short, regulation Army. He’s almost always dressed in fatigues, a dark green T-shirt, and a worn pair of combat boots. His weathered skin is burnished by the sun, and his palms are calloused from years of hard physical work. His blue eyes reflect a great deal of wisdom born of experience, combined with a dry sense of humor.

With a clipboard in hand, Jerry ticks off the desks, office chairs, tables, and other assorted office furniture as it’s unloaded from the truck. “The computers, phones, fax machine, and the rest of the tech equipment is scheduled to arrive tomorrow,” he says. “The new phone lines and Internet access will be installed the following day. By Friday, we’ll be fully functional.”

“Great job,” I tell him. “Thank you.”

As Jerry wanders inside the office to direct the delivery team as to where everything should go, Ian gives me a pleased smile. “He is doing a great job.”

I nod. “Hiring him was a great decision.”

“Jerry refused to take any handouts, but when I offered him a job—a way to earn what he needed—he jumped at the chance.”

My phone chimes with an incoming message. I glance down and see that it’s from my sister. She’s replying to my earlier text to see how she’s feeling. She’s due any day now.

“Who is it?” Ian asks.

“It’s from Beth.” I show him my phone screen.

Beth: I’m hanging in there. Won’t be long now. Poor Shane is a wreck. LOL

Ian laughs. “Poor guy. I hope he survives the delivery.”

I take in the newly remodeled carriage house and the bustling activity as the new furniture is unloaded. My life has taken so many unexpected turns—meeting Ian, coming out, finding the other half of my soul, and now embarking on a new career that will allow us to work together and really make a difference in people’s lives.

When Ian takes my hand and links our fingers, I turn to face him. I see so much optimism and excitement in his eyes.

My phone rings. It’s a local Chicago number, but I don’t recognize it. I accept the call. “Tyler Jamison.”

“Mr. Jamison, hello. My name is Randy Pearce. I, uh, I want to hire you to find my missing wife. The cops keep interviewing me—I think they suspect I had something to do with her disappearance, but I swear to you I didn’t. I need you to find her. I’m afraid she might be in trouble. Can you help me, please?”

Our first case.

“Mr. Pearce, can you meet with me this afternoon? I’ll need to get some information from you.”

“Of course. Anything you need. I love my wife, Mr. Jamison. I want her back safe and sound.”

“We’ll do everything in our power to find her.”

After getting the man’s address, I tell him Ian and I will be at his place within the hour.

“Looks like we have our first case,” I tell Ian. “A missing woman. That was her husband on the phone.”

Ian’s eyes widen. “Oh, my god. This is really happening.”

“It is. Let’s get to work.”

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Thank you so much for reading Somebody to Hold! I hope you enjoyed book two of Tyler and Ian’s series. Stay tuned for news of their next release.

If you’re interested in reading more about Shane and Beth, Sam and Cooper, and the rest of the McIntyre clan, check out Vulnerable, the first book in the McIntyre Security Bodyguard Series.

If you’re interested in reading my other gay romance novel, Sam and Cooper’s first novel, check out Ruined. It’s part of the McIntyre Security Bodyguard series, but it can be read as a standalone.

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Books by April Wilson

McIntyre Security Bodyguard Series:



Shane – a novella







Marry Me – a novella

Snowbound – a novella


With This Ring – a novella

Collateral Damage

Special Delivery (coming spring 2021)

(more coming…)

Tyler Jamison Novels:

Somebody to Love

Somebody to Hold

(more coming…)

British Billionaires Romance Series:


(more coming…)

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Audiobooks by April Wilson

For links to my audiobooks, please visit my website: Copyright 2016 - 2024