Sold To Mr. Milano - Daniella Wright Page 0,55

signs of settling down any time soon.”

“Oh, nonsense,” I waved dismissively. “What are you saying, Papa? You know we have never cared about those kinds of things. We are a part of a resistance to the crime world. We have plenty of work to do. There’s no time for these traditional ideas of home and family. Besides, who would take care of you? This is the only home I need to tend to.”

“I always thought so too, but when you were were my hopes of seeing you fall in love and have a baby of your own someday. I started to be afraid that I’d never be a grandfather. I didn’t realize how badly I wanted it until I thought I lost you.”

I grew so frustrated I could barely stand to sit across from him anymore. I collected his dishes and stood up to finish cleaning. How could he say such things? My father had never been one to pressure me into being a wife and mother, and I loved him for it. I thought he saw potential for more in me. My time away with Alberto had changed so much inside of me, I thought the least I could hope for was for everything between my father and me to remain the same. I had kept so much from him just to ensure that would be the case.

“I should get going,” I told him in a huff. “I’m helping Deanna with the kids after school today, and there will be lots to do to prepare.”

I stormed out without much more of a goodbye. I guess it made him happy that I was spending my days helping at the community center with the neighborhood kids. Those who needed it could come early for breakfast before school and many of them would return afterward for snacks and help with their homework. Many of their parents worked long hours and we gave them something to do besides returning home to an empty house. I was happy to help, but my father’s confession suddenly made me resentful of it. I wanted to be out there in the world in the thick of things. Not slaving away over a stove or wiping snotty noses. There were plenty of other women who were content to do those things.

My friend Ava and I helped Deanna prepare sandwiches and some other activities for the kids to do to pass time. I was quieter than usual, still seething over everything.

“Alicia, I think you’ve put quite enough jam on that one,” Ava snickered.

I snapped to and looked down to see I had been piling more jelly onto the same slice of bread for who knows how long. It was soggy and dripping by that point. I groaned and tried to move on, paying more attention this time.

“What’s gotten into you, child?” Deanna asked with her hands on her hips.

“Just tired,” I murmured.

But she wasn’t buying it. “Oh, no. Look at that glow on your cheeks. I’d know that look anywhere. You’re either in love or pregnant or both.”

My heart stopped with her words. I couldn’t spread any more jam or cut off any more sandwich crusts. All I could do was stand there and stare. Ava noticed my startled reaction but was kind enough not to say anything until Deanna was out of the room. She came over and gently placed her hand on mine, speaking in hushed tones.

“I know of a doctor you can see,” she told me. “They’re very discreet. They can tell you if you know.”

“Please,” I grumbled, holding back tears. “My father is Don Martino. Nothing I can do in this town is discreet.”

“No, I know them. Trust me. I can tell them you’re coming and show you in through the back door. My sister went there when she was pregnant.”

I whipped my head around to her with wide eyes. I knew their family well and never once heard anything about her sister being pregnant. That meant not only did this doctor confirm it for her, but they also took care of it and no one was ever the wiser. Maybe Ava really meant it when she said they would respect their patients’ privacy.

I nodded and stared back at her with desperation. She knew I was silently pleading for her help. While she scurried out to set it up for me, I stayed behind and tried not to think about anything at all. I wouldn’t let myself fall to pieces until I knew Copyright 2016 - 2024