Sold To Mr. Milano - Daniella Wright Page 0,51

more clearly. Maybe I just had some sort of Stockholm syndrome.

Finally, my father and I returned home. He gave me a long hug goodnight and was happy to say he would sleep much better that night, knowing that I was home safe and sound. I thought I would sleep much better too. After all, I had been dreaming of coming home all this time. My bed did feel even better than I remembered it. It was like a dream to put on my own gown and crawl under the sheets and quilt that were once so familiar.

I let out a big contented sigh and curled up against my pillow, but easy sleep was not what followed. Instead, all I could think about was Alberto. I tossed and turned, wondering what he was doing at that moment, and if maybe, just maybe, he was thinking of me too. It was confusing and frustrating and left me tossing and turning all through the night.

What I knew for certain was that most of Alberto’s life and work revolved around everything I stood against. He was selfish and greedy and valued money over people. It didn’t bother him in the least to turn his cheek to the suffering of others, even if it was his actions that caused it. He didn’t seem to have any purpose in life beyond just getting more and more and more. I didn’t believe for a second that he actually cared about any of the jobs he created, or that he really thought his hatred and distrust of the government justified any of his actions.

No, Alberto was a bad man. He had treated me terribly, and had he not been able to sleep with me, he probably wouldn’t have shown me an ounce of kindness. The sooner I really believed all of that again, the better off I would be.



It seemed returning Alicia home did nothing to free my mind up so I could go back to focusing on my work. Even with her so far away, she still managed to devour all of my thoughts. I sat in my parlor alone, smoking a pipe and sipping on a glass of rum. No matter what I tried to busy myself with throughout the day, I longed for the quiet evening hours when I could finally just be alone with my memories of her.

She was an infuriating beast of a woman with all of her morals and self-righteousness. But then again, not in the way most men I knew were. Rich businessmen would throw pennies at the poor and claim to be philanthropists. They didn’t really care. They just wanted something to brag about at dinner parties and a reason to look down at men like me, claiming that they were somehow better.

At least Alicia really dedicated her life to her causes. She was willing to risk her own life for other people and wasn’t afraid to get her hands dirty with the hard work to back up all of her big ideas about justice. I had to admit it was admirable, even if it was irritating.

And did she ever have a mouth on her. She wasn’t afraid to stand up to anyone and she couldn’t keep her mouth shut even when her life depended on it. But she didn’t just prattle on senselessly. She spoke with wit and purpose. I missed our little sparring matches. I would run our spats through my head over and over, and when those got old...I’d start making up new ones. I’d imagine her sitting in the chair across from me and think about what remarks I’d throw out to get under her skin. I’d picture her snapping back at me and us bickering our way all the way to the bedroom.

I was somewhat relieved when Felix came barreling into the room, looking upset. I needed something to save me from these ridiculous fantasies. But then I figured he was coming to lecture me about some new problem to worry about...Something that likely wouldn’t be an issue had I not been so distracted lately. This had become a common occurrence.

But judging by the way he charged in without saying a word and began chugging down liquor, I knew this was not about business. Nothing that bad would be happening without me already knowing about it, or at least seen it coming.

“What’s gotten into you?” I asked through his gulps of the glass he was quickly emptying.

“It’s Zoe,” he sighed. “I’ve just come from her Copyright 2016 - 2024