Sold To Mr. Milano - Daniella Wright Page 0,40

sending her back down to the dungeon didn’t seem right. Sending her back to the little room she was locked up in before that didn’t seem appropriate either.

I imagined what Felix and Pablo would say to the alternative, but shook it off. I didn’t need their approval, and hopefully, we would be gone before I’d have to face them again. By the time I returned, Alicia would be gone, and they wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore.

“Get dressed,” I told her as I pulled up from the grass to find my own clothes. “I will take care of your sleeping arrangements. You don’t need to worry about it.”

Being around her was like getting lost in a cloud of perfume that kept me from seeing clearly. As much as I longed to stay tangled up in her arms, I wanted, even more, to be alone in my own bedroom. It seemed like the only way to break the spell, and I would need the time to pull myself together before traveling alongside her for three days.

Without saying another word to her, I left her just as coldly as I had after our first night together. I could feel her eyes burning into my back, but I didn’t look back. Instead, I walked inside and found the first housekeeper I could and gave them instructions for putting Alicia up in one of the guest suites. It just so happened to be the nicest guest bedroom in the manor, usually reserved for the wealthiest, most distinguished guests that I wanted to impress or win over in some way. I wasn’t trying to do that with Alicia. I just figured a nice room was something I knew I could give, and maybe it would make up for all the things my heart seemed unable to do for her.

After ensuring that she would be provided with nice, clean clothes, the finest soaps, lotions, and perfumes, and a big dinner and breakfast, I retired to my own room and tried not to let my thoughts wander. But as I layed in my bed, I couldn’t help but imagine the sight of her soft, brown skin as the silk robe slid around her naked flesh. I imagined the scents of lavender, rose, and vanilla wafting from her hair and the curves of her body. I had such vivid images of her licking soup from the corner of her deep red lips or biting into a juicy strawberry. I wanted to be in those moments with her, but knew we were both better off with me in my own bed...alone.

The joy of those simple luxuries manifested in her face the following morning when she emerged from the manor with a content and peaceful smile. She glided over to stand beside me as I waited for my men to finish loading up the horses. Her face wrinkled as she took in the scene.

“Are all four of those men coming with us?” she puzzled.

“Yes, I am bringing my best men for our protection.”

“But there are only five horses, and there are six of us.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “After your track record with horseback riding, do you honestly think I’m going to put you on your own horse?”

She was not amused. Her smile faded into a frown as she crossed her arms and turned her back to me. “I’m not going to be stuck on a horse with our hot and sweaty bodies right on top of each other for three whole days. I demand to have my own horse. I’m getting better at riding, and you’ll be around to look after me anyway...Not that I think I need it.”

“I thought our hot and sweaty bodies being on top of each other for three whole days was exactly what you wanted,” I teased.

Her cheeks turned red as she looked to the nearby men, waiting for them to shoot her looks of judgment and accusation. They didn’t even notice, but it didn’t seem to make her any less bothered by the remark.

I watched the anger brewing inside of her and figured the last thing I wanted was for her to be furious with me the whole trip. I sighed and waved one of the men over. “Will you please get a sixth horse ready for the princess here?”

She huffed at my little insult but seemed happier with the new arrangement.

“I knew you’d be difficult,” I grumbled. “I just didn’t know you’d start in before we even set foot off the Copyright 2016 - 2024