So Gone - By Jennifer Luckett Page 0,46

had spoken but not much. I was puzzled trying to figure out how it was that they knew one another.

What made my vajayjay do jumping jacks was when Rocco didn't back down from Blunt. Courage is very sexy in a man.

Rocco started the engine and slowly drove away from the store. After several minutes of silence he asked, “What you gon’ do ‘bout ol’ boy?”

“Are you referring to Blunt?” I asked needlessly. Of course, that is who he was speaking of.

“Who you think I’m talking about?” he replied with attitude. His deep baritone voice became deeper and he kept his eyes on the road never even taking a glance over at me.

I faked a cough. “There’s nothing to discuss when it comes to him. He has gone his way, and I’ve gone mine. But I'll be honest with you, I don't think he wants to let go.”

I sighed and nervously rubbed the side of my leg. “We were a couple for three years, and I did love him. He did some things that I can't forgive, so I have chosen to move on. That’s one reason that he is so upset.”

Rocco nodded his head, and then replied, “Mo’, I’m just trying to get to know you. I don’t want to get caught up in unnecessary drama. If you still have feelings for Blunt, I can respect that and fall back. I could never stand still and watch a man put his hands on any woman, but at the same time I don’t want to take a life or lose mine defending you if you’re gonna run back to him. I hope you feel me and understand.”

“I do. And you have every right to feel that way, but I am not trying to involve you in anything. If you don't mind me asking, where do you know Blunt from?” I delved.

Rocco divulged that he knew Blunt from back in the days. That left me in shock. I wouldn’t have ever guessed he and Blunt were from the same walk of life. Rocco was an ex drug dealer who had turned his life around.

“I commend you on that,” I said earnestly. “And I promise you that Blunt and I are a thing of the past.”

I truly meant that.

I had forgiven Blunt so many times for his mistakes, but this time there was no turning back. I knew that in order to make way for whatever blessings God had in store for me, I had to rebuke Satan, aka Blunt.

Rocco turned on an old school Levert song and the mood inside the car mellowed tremendously.

“Where would you like to eat?” Rocco asked as he accelerated through a green light.

“Red Lobster would be nice. My treat,” I offered.

“Well, Red Lobster is where we will go, but you can forget about that other part,” he said, leaving no room for debate.

Levert was still crooning out love songs when we wheeled into Red Lobster’s parking lot on Tara Boulevard. Rocco killed the engine, we unstrapped our seatbelts, and got out of the car.

I stood up and pulled my skirt down a few inches because it had crept dangerously far up my thigh. Rocco took my hand and led me inside. It was a cute, gentlemanly gesture that I appreciated.

We were seated shortly after we arrived. Not long after, a waitress came to take our orders. I ordered the shrimp linguini Alfredo, and Rocco ordered the wood-grilled fresh salmon.

As we waited on our food, we talked easily back and forth. I liked that he seemed interested in my work, and I found his fascinating.

When the food arrived, I was impressed that he said Grace before we began to eat. The food was deliciously prepared, and Rocco didn't spoil it by talking too much.

“I’m glad that you allowed me to take you out tonight,” he said.

“Me too.” I smiled.

Suddenly, a loud ear piercing scream rattled the table. It startled me and almost caused me to take off running. We jerked our heads towards the front where the scream had come from. There were three masked men pointing sawed off shotguns around the room. “Y’all mothafuckas kno’ what time it is,” the tallest of the robbers barked.

Well, damn. I swear every time I got my butt out of one situation, another one arose.

Always Getting Caught Up


“Oh my god!” I whispered to Rocco in a panicked tone.

“Don't panic, baby. Just calmly slide your hands under the table and remove your rings,” he instructed me in a tone as low as Copyright 2016 - 2024