So Gone - By Jennifer Luckett Page 0,42

to meet you,” he said, extending his hand. I took it, briefly enjoying the strength that I felt in it though his grip was gentle.

I blushed like one of my female students encountering the star of the football team. “Uh, come to think of it, I do have a project for you if you’re interested. I need a new light fixture in my bathroom as soon as possible.”

“That won’t be a problem. Do you mind if I come in and take a look at what you want installed?” he asked, as he bent over and picked his niece up.

I led him upstairs to the bathroom in the hall and showed him the fixture that I wanted replaced. He told me to go to Home Depot and purchase the one I wanted and he would be happy to put it in for me.

“Wonderful, I'll do it tomorrow. Is that too soon?” I asked as I read his credentials on the back of the card.

“Tomorrow is fine.”

“So, you build mansions and all, huh?” I asked, looking up at him. The card slipped from my hand and fluttered to the floor. When I leaned down to pick it up, my eyes were level with his crotch. Something big and thick made a print in the front of his pants. I gulped and quickly looked off before he thought I was some kind of freak.

Surprised at myself, I rose to my feet trying to hide the lustful thoughts that ran through my mind.

“No job is too big for a man with hands as skilled as mine,” he replied confidently. All I heard was big.

I giggled.

“Did I say something funny?” He lifted an eyebrow and rubbed his chin.

“No, pay me no mind.” I quickly recovered. Then I asked how he liked the neighborhood so far.

That sparked a pleasant conversation that went on for another fifteen minutes. After Rocco said goodbye, all I could think about was the myth that tall men are well endowed. I admonished myself for fantasizing underneath Rocco’s clothes. Goodness! I was acting like the female version of Blunt.

Made My Day


The next morning when I was done handling the school’s business on my computer, I was free for a while. I pulled Rocco’s card from my black Gucci handbag and called him from my IPhone. For some reason, I felt nervous as I waited for him to answer.

“Hello.” His voice was as thick as homemade maple syrup. I felt a flutter in my chest.

“Hi, Rocco,” I said, clearing my throat. “This is Molaysia. I was calling to let you know that as soon as I leave work, I’ll stop by Home Depot and get that light fixture. I also want you to change the locks on my doors.”

“I can do that if you'll allow me to take you out to dinner,” he said. “That's if you don't have a man.”

“Is that a question?” I teased.

“Is it that transparent?” He laughed.

“Yes, but to answer your question, I just recently ended a three year relationship. It did not end nicely, but I do still love him. I won’t lead you on like I don’t. I’m just taking it one day at a time.”

“Ok, I understand. And I admire your honesty. Excuse me, can you hold up for a minute, Pretty Lady?”


While on hold, I grabbed a bottle of baby lotion from the top of my desk. I applied it to my hands and arms. I reached over and turned down the picture of me and Blunt. Our entire relationship was a big lie.

Still holding the phone to my ear with my shoulder, I could hear construction noises in the background. I heard Rocco yell for someone to bring him some nails. He gave orders to two more people before he returned to me.

“I’m sorry. I was talking to a few of my employees. I’m actually on top of a roof right now. Me and my crew are building a high school.”

I went quiet for a moment imagining his sexy body with hot beads of sweat dripping from it. I rubbed my forehead and tried to snap back to the conversation. What was going on with me?

“Okay. I will let you go. Be careful on top of that roof. And dinner sounds nice.” I glided my tongue over my top teeth picturing Rocco as a sirloin steak.

“Fa sho’. I’ll see you later on, Sweetie. Make sure you let your ex know that you’ll be going out to eat tonight, so he won’t be blowing your Copyright 2016 - 2024