So Gone - By Jennifer Luckett Page 0,4

ask. He propped his foot up on my desk and looked at me with a smirk.

He was really testing my patience. In my profession, I had dealt with many insolent children, but this pint-sized antagonist took the ribbon.

I glanced around the room theatrically. “Are you talking to me?”

“Yep, ain’t nobody else in here.”

I kept my cool.

“Yes, your daddy is on his way to pick you up and I’ll be glad when he gets here.” I let out a long sigh and fumbled with some papers on my desk.

Devin scratched his chin and rubbed the side of his face. “Me too ‘cause I wanna go see my baby sister.”

My eyes shot up from the paperwork. “Uh, I thought your mother had all boys?” I treaded cautiously so that he wouldn't clam up.

“She does, but Daddy’s other girlfriend just had my baby sister.” He leaned over from his chair and grabbed his book bag from the carpeted floor. He unzipped it and started fumbling through it.

“Excuse me. What did you just say, Devin?” I interrogated.

“I said my daddy's other girlfriend just had me a baby sister, and they live right around the corner from my house.”

I sat straight up in my chair, biting down on my lip. “How wonderful. What’s the baby’s mother's name?” I questioned him.

“Luscious,” he proudly sang out swinging his leg from side to side. He pulled out a folder, tore a couple of sheets of paper out of it, and made two paper airplanes.

Is he telling the truth? I asked myself as a paper plane whizzed by my face.

I knew that Devin could out-fib the Devil, but I doubted that a small kid his age could make up such a lie.

As I gazed out of the window, in deep thought, an object struck me between the eyes and fell in my lap. I looked down and saw the second paper airplane. This li’l boy is irritating the hell out of me!

I felt like bee stinging him, Laila Ali style. Instead, I balled the paper airplane up and tossed it in the waste basket beside my desk.

Blunt and Chunuchi had gotten together and made nothing but a mess when Devin was conceived. I’m sure it didn’t take much effort for Blunt to nail her. It seemed that if any man accidentally stepped on her foot; her legs would pop open.

If Chunuchi couldn't keep her legs closed or use some type of protection, the least she could do was teach her children how to behave. Usually, I had the patience of Job. Dealing with high school teenagers contributed to my strength, but I was at wits end with Blunt's seed. One more rude slur, and I would snap like a deranged woman.

When Ya Shit Comes To The Light


“Yeah, Shawdy, I’ma get wit’ you later.” I gave my word as I sat up on the edge of Luscious's bed and grabbed my Polo boxers off the floor.

“Noooo, Daddy,” she whined. “You only made me come twice, and you know a bitch ain’t satisfied unless she creams on that dick at least six times.”

Shawdy was a high natured freak who tried to suck and fuck me dry every time I ran up in her. I knew that she loved the dick, but I wasn’t no lame. Luscious tried to drain a nigga's nuts dry all the time so that I wouldn’t have nothin’ left for Mo’.

“Miss me wit’ da fake whining, Li’l Mama. Cuz it ain’t gon’ work,” I said and headed to the shower butt ass naked wit’ my dick swinging.

Minutes later, Luscious ripped the shower curtain down in a huff. “Every time that sedity bitch calls, you go running to her like she got your ass on a leash.”

“Maybe she does,” I replied while lathering the small bath towel with soap just to fuck wit’ her.

Mo’ didn’t have me on no leash, but I loved her because she was different from the rats throughout the hood that were all on my dick. Mo’ didn’t sit around and wait on the first of the month to get a check or for a nigga to sponsor her. My baby was the principal of Harper High, and she was independent.

There’s nothin’ more unattractive than a bitch without a job or the determination to find one. That’s what the rats didn’t understand. A nigga didn’t mind helping them get what they wanted, but their asses should’ve been able to get what they needed their goddamn selves.

Luscious didn’t work, but she got some fuckin’ wit’ Copyright 2016 - 2024