So Gone - By Jennifer Luckett Page 0,35

ultimate form of disrespect. Then she had the audacity to call me up and gloat about it! Really? As Cuz might say, where they do that?

Right before I walked out of the door in a pair of black True Religion skinny-legged jeans, a black and white baby tee, and a pair of all white Adidas --- my kick me some ass gear --- Leesha called.

I told her the business.

“Oh hell nawl, I’ll be there in ‘bout fifteen minutes. Don't go nowhere without me,” she said.

Leesha had been to jail twice for stabbing a chick at a club and for property damage. She set her ex-boyfriend’s car on fire in the early 2000’s. That girl was a fool for real.

“There’s no way in the hell I’ma let you go over there by yo’ self,” she adamantly stated. “I’m on my way.”

We hung up, and I waited for her arrival.

About twenty minutes passed, my stomach was quivering from tension. I stretched across my bed sideways with a hundred thoughts running through my head. I suddenly heard a loud car horn honking outside. I shook my head and leaped from the bed, grabbed my keys from my nightstand, and headed to the front door. Leesha’s twins met me at the door with a handful of bags.

“Hey, Auntie Mo’,” they greeted in unison.

“Hi.” I rushed passed them and hopped in the car with their mom.

Leesha was sitting behind the wheel ready to go get it popping.

Yo’ Gotti’s tune ‘Go Girl’ bumped from her system as we flew to our destination. Leesha talked trash about Blunt all the way there. She called him everything but a child of God. I didn’t bother telling her that Blunt and I had made up.

I looked down at the speedometer and saw that Cuz was pushing ninety miles per hour. She only slowed a bit when we got off the interstate. She zoomed down the street, our hair blowing in the wind. When she turned into the apartment complex on two wheels, my head hit the passenger side window, but I felt no pain because I was in Angry Black Woman mode.

To my surprise, Luscious was standing in her doorway with some goofy looking bright skinned man when we pulled up. He kissed her on her cheek before strolling to his ride and pulling off.

Luscious waved goodbye to him and looked up and down the street. Three dusty fiends shuffled by staring inside the vehicle at me and Leesha. “Y'all better push the hell on,” she gritted her teeth at them and they kept it moving.

“That's that nasty skank right there,” I pointed up on the porch at Luscious while unfastening my seatbelt with my other hand.

“Go check that hoe,” Leesha gassed me up. She put her car in park and murdered the engine. “And you better beat her ass, Mo.”

I got out of the car and started toward her. Her facial expression told me that she knew exactly who I was. She stepped out of the doorway to confront me.

“You gotta be stupid to bring yo’ ass to my crib. You already done keyed my shit up, and I’ma make sure I tell Blunt that you keyed his up, too.” She made a fist and stood staring at me.

“Steal on that bitch! We didn’t come to this mothafucka to talk,” my cousin yelled from the car. I glanced over my shoulder and saw her getting out of the car kicking her shoes off.

I turned back to Luscious and her fist connected with my right eye. I stumbled back from the power behind the blow. The hood rat had a punch like a man, but I was not to be deterred. I had come for a piece of that ass, and I wasn't leaving without it.

In my eagerness to go in her jaw, I swung so hard that I missed her completely and fell to the ground. Luscious kicked me in the side.

“Oh, you got me messed up. I’m about to beat yo’ ass like it's a fuckin’ drum stick,” Leesha screamed, running towards us in my defense.

I looked up and all I saw was Cuz hammering Luscious with both fists. Luscious was matching her blow for blow until Leesha snatched her by her long weave, wrapped it around her hand, and pulled her down to the ground.

I got up and jumped in.

Leesha moved out of the way and told me to handle my business.

I had a slight height and reach advantage over Luscious, but the heifer was strong Copyright 2016 - 2024