So Gone - By Jennifer Luckett Page 0,15

kick off in until I wrapped my my fingers around that bitch Luscious' throat, some muscled bound fool came up and said, “Phone check.”

I ignored the clown wit’ the big chest and li’l biddy ass stick legs and kept talkin’ to Mika. “I swear, Shawdy, when I bond out I’m goin’ straight over to that hoe’s house and snatch that weave outta her hair for this fuck shit.”

"No, baby, don't get yourself into more trouble. She's not worth it," pleaded Mika.

“I said phone check! You must be hard of hearing,” came the voice from behind me.

“Baby Girl, I’ma hit you back. Let me teach this fool some goddamn manners.”

“No, Blunt, don’t be…”

I hung up the phone and turned to face ol' boy wit’ the blown up chest and chicken legs.

“You’sa real disrespectful ass nigga, Homie. I should prob’ly blame that on yo’ mama, but for now I’ma punish you likes it’s yo’ fault,” I growled, then hit his stiff ass wit’ a lightning quick one-two, knockin’ him the fuck down.

“I knew those toothpicks couldn’t hold that ass up,” I taunted.

He scrambled up on those straw legs and tried to rush me, head down. I side-stepped and caught him on the chin wit’ an uppercut, the way big homies in the hood taught me to do as a snot nose. The fool smacked the concrete floor wit’ his face…fight over. I walked back over to the phone and redialed Mika’s number.

“Are you alright?” she asked.

“Why wouldn’t I be? You ever known yo’ nigga to be otherwise? I just had to teach a fool some manners. I’m good. I’ma just chill til it’s time for you to come bond me out,” I said examining my bruised knuckles.

We ended the call, and I found a seat in the corner and chilled, keepin’ a close eye on the fool I had smashed. I calmed myself by thinkin’ of Mo’. I was gonna have to do better by my girl. All of the drama wit’ Luscious wasn’t even a niggas m.o. Usually I was on chill, but that monkey ass bitch, Luscious, had knocked me off my square with all of her drama. The bitch was showin’ her ass ‘cause she knew I needed her to keep playin’ up under this nigga named Polo who I was tryna touch.

Polo had racks on deck, and I wanted that. Luscious was close to gettin’ the trick to take her out to where he laid his head. From there, it would be a wrap. Now I was thinkin’ that the lick wasn't worth all the trouble Luscious was startin’ to give me. She mighta helped me snatch niggas up, but if her drama caused me to lose Mo’, would the lick be worth a niggas heart? That’s what I had to weigh.

Too Much Drama


“Good lookin’ out, Baby Girl,” I said to Mika, thanking her for posting my bond as we walked out of the Fulton County Jail and headed to the parking lot where her silver Honda Accord was parked.

She was carrying our eleven month old son, Antwan, on her hip. I took him from her and carried him across my shoulder, pattin’ his back so that he wouldn’t wake up.

Devin, who Mika was still babysittin’, pulled at my pant leg. “Daddy, why was you in jail?” he questioned me.

“Don’t ask so many questions,” I scolded his nosey butt.

“But I wanna know,” he whined as we all got in the car.

“Devin, your father is not in the mood so maybe you should wait until later to ask him questions.” Mika tried to come to my rescue.

“Shut up. You ain’t my mama. You can’t tell me what to do,” Devin smart-mouthed.

I started to check him, but Mika beat me to it. She glared at him through the rearview mirror as she strapped on her seat belt and shook her head. “Okay, li’l boy, I know I’m not your mother and you should be thankful that I’m not. If I was, I’d tear into your behind real good. Still I’m going to need you to watch your mouth, or I’m going to give you that whooping you should have gotten from your mother."

“You ain’t gon’ do nothin’. My mama will bust you in yo’ face if you touch me,” he shot back.

“Goodness! Blunt, I’m telling you, you better teach that li’l boy some manners or keep him from ‘round me. I’m not letting a four year old talk to me like he’s my man.” She was pissed, and she had Copyright 2016 - 2024