So Gone - By Jennifer Luckett Page 0,13


"Umm. What's that I smell?" she asked, following the aroma into the kitchen.

"I made tacos."

"Yessss! Girl, your tacos are the shit."

I smiled at the compliment and followed her into the kitchen.

Cuz and I wasted no time at the table. We ate two tacos apiece, refried beans, and Spanish rice. We sat at the table waiting for the twins to finish eating so that we could continue the talk that we had begun on the phone. Akeela was playing over her food. Her mother glanced over at her.

“Li’l girl, you ain’t leaving this table until you eat that taco. Hell, the li’l kids on those Feed The Children commercials wish they could trade places with you.”

"Oh, Mama, stop it!" she said while shaking her head.

"Waste not, want not," added Leesha.

"Okay, I'll finish up. Ugh!" Akeela began eating faster. Her sister finished shortly before she did, and they were excused from the table. They headed off upstairs to hook up the Playstation 3 that they had brought with them.

It was Leesha’s bright idea for us to have some drinks. She went to the guest room where she’d be sleeping and brought back a bottle of Ciroc. We sat there for about an hour sipping and talking. That’s when my cousin looked at me and started spazzing about what she would do to Blunt if she were me.

"I would go over to the bitch's house. You can bet that's where he's at if he's not answering his phone. And if I found him there, somebody's ass would be at the ER tonight, and it sho' wouldn't be mine! That's what I would do," she spewed.

"I don't want to go to that extreme. I have to think about my job. More importantly, that's not how I behave." I got up from the table to wash the dishes. Leesha joined me at the sink.

"I understand, Mo', but Blunt is the type of man that don't believe shit stinks. So you have to mash his nose in it."

By the time we had washed and dried the dishes, and the alcohol had worked itself into my system, I had a whole new game plan.

I tossed on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and we jetted towards the door.

"Where are y'all going?" Aquisha called down from the top of the stairs.

"We have to go somewhere right quick, but we won't be long," I called up to her.

“Y’all bet' not open this door up for nobody. I don’t care if the Pope knocks. You better tell him to sit down on the front step and pray until y’all mama gets back,” intoned Cuz.

“Yes, ma’am,” Aquisha obediently replied.

On the way out, I locked the door and we trotted to my car and headed to Luscious' house.

The entire drive there Leesha was talking about what she wouldn’t put up with. It was easy for her to say that because it wasn't her heart invested in it. "I think every woman has been a fool for one man or another in her lifetime. It's a part of life. Love has a way of forcing us to accept things that we never imagined we would," I contested lightly.

"Ha! If I ever love like that, please do me a favor and shoot me in the head."

"I'm going to shoot you anyway if you don't be quiet." We both laughed.

"For real, though, Molaysia. You better quit letting him walk all over you. Not only is his creeping disrespectful, it's dangerous. I hope you're making that nigga wrap up."

What she said was the truth. Just thinking about the gamble that I was taking with my life as long as Blunt continued to creep with other women, boiled my water! I also became upset with Luscious even though I didn't know her. I detested women that willingly played the cut buddy role.

I only wanted to confront Luscious and let her know that I was aware of her creeping with my man ---- that’s it. However, with Leesha in the car, there was no telling what would jump off. I had to prepare myself for whatever.

Drama Time


I was wheeling my whip in search of my man with his lowdown trifling ass. I crept at a snail’s pace when I made it to the street that Luscious lived on. Just as I suspected, Blunt was there. His 2012 coal-black Lincoln Continental on twenty-six inch wheels was parked in her driveway, sitting pretty.

The block was quiet. Two young boys walked up the street with their hands shoved in their Copyright 2016 - 2024