The Snowmaiden, A Bride for Krampus - Jeanette Lynn Page 0,71

better than I ever could have imagined.


I had two males now, I thought later that night as we all piled onto the bed after a long day of Baumb teaching me how to skin and prepare an animal while we both kept Ded from trying to help himself to some raw meat. Really, the Krampus was a bottomless pit. He could probably have eaten that entire beast we were working on all to himself if we’d left him to it and then some.

One of Ded’s horn pressed into my face as he hugged my breasts, pillowing his head on them as he waited for them to fill with more in offering. Baumb reached over when I grunted, grabbing the Krampus by the offending horn to shake him from me and dump him from the bed. Turning me to face him, ignoring Ded’s bitching from the floor, one of his thick thumbs smoothed down my cheek, examining the undamaged skin.

Ded popped up, hissing at Baumb with a glare, and climbed back onto the bed. Curling his tall frame around me, the Krampus buried his pointed nose in my hair and inhaled deeply. Two snorting inhales in and he slowly relaxed as he let out his next breath. Two soft breaths in and his light snore started up.

My gaze met Baumb’s and we both grinned. Leaning in, he pressed his lips to mine. A happy sigh left me.

A moment later a hand crept up my side and lifted to come between Baumb’s next kiss and my lips.

“Sehleep,” Ded grumbled. “Shhhh,” he murmured. “Shhhh. Sehleep. Ded sehhhleeep.”

Baumb chuckled as I grinned at him from around the hand over my mouth. Nuzzling the palm over my face, I pecked a kiss to the hot skin.

Ded groaned but his happy chest crackling purr started up. His hand slid from my mouth and he grabbed Baumb’s hand to bring it to his throat. Baumb blinked but watched as the Krampus then lifted my leg to bring it over Baum’s thigh, and tapped the Baumbel’s side. When Baumb just sat there watching curiously, though he knew exactly what the Krampus was getting at, Ded grunted impatiently. Bright blue eyes darting from me to Baumb, he gave a little pump of his hips, his thick erection sliding between my legs to bump my sex.

Giving up the ghost, Baumb gave in with a churring purr. Ded’s happy chest rumbles started up to match, and soon we were a tangle of limbs, happy grunts and groans rending the air.

Chapter 18

A hand closed over my mouth, startling me out of a deep sleep. My eyes popped open to find Baumbel pressing a finger to his lips, Ded’s eyes glowing as he scooped up my clothes and our pelts and motioned for Yule to come to him.

What the heck was going on, I wondered, but not for long.

The fruit along the floor caught my attention as Baumb scooped me up and rushed to catch up with Ded, who was slowly creeping towards the hatch we’d discovered in our mad rush to find one of Shnikel’s hidey holes big enough to fit all of us.

Since the day this had all started, we’d found one hidey hole closest to the Baumbel caverns big enough to fit a Baumbel, his pet companion, a Krampus, and their Snowmaiden mate.

Today was The Big Day. The culling would occur any moment now.

We made it all the way to the hole’s trap door, well enough hidden away from the main cavern, a large half wall of frosty ice sticking up from the cave floor shielding us as we crept our way to it.

Ded led the way, with me following closely behind and Baumb, looming over me, bringing up the rear with Yule.

Stealing peeks through the cracks in the glacier looking ice wall, I wasn’t expecting to actually see anything. Stopping to urge Ded on when he slowed to a stop, eyeing a piece of juicy looking fruit, I heard the steps as they began to flood the caves from the main mountain entrance, the harder, heavier steps of a larger set of boots following.

Krampus started to fall. Elves flooded the room moments later, walking up with large curved, short handled scythes to walk to the fallen Krampus and begin decapitating some of the beasts but not all. Wondering why some were killed and not the others, bile rising in my throat at the massacre, I wanted to look away but couldn’t.

A nudge at my back had me jolting into Copyright 2016 - 2024