The Snowmaiden, A Bride for Krampus - Jeanette Lynn Page 0,64

and then forget all about me.

A snarl of sounds echoed from the entrance to the cavern. A Krampus was pissed and sounded like they were chewing him out.

A wall rattling rumble left Baumb, but I was distracted. I was too busy fretting over Ded, staring into space, then straining to listen to the Krampus rant to notice Baumb’d stopped or hear that telltale noise his jaw makes as it segments. Cool warmth slid up under my backside and four blunt thumbs on each hand pressed into my thighs, pinning me open for him. The low growl as Baumb muttered something was all the warning I got before he made his move.

A garbled shout left me as my Baumbel got to work making a meal out of his mate. A thick tongue wedged its way into my sex, the two tongues alongside the middle one curling to glide upward with every thrust of the middle one. The two side tongues met as the main one drove deep into my channel, kissing my clit with every sweeping pass. My hands fisted the sheets and I bit my lip until it hurt. My toes curled, legs shaking as he teased me all the way to the edge to slowly bring me back down, then drive me wild again.

“Baumb! Please!” I pleaded, grunting in defeat when I came and he wrung it out of me, refusing to give me what I wanted, what I knew he knew I’d been begging for.

When I fell limply against him, he pulled back, tusks slipping from beneath me, to stand. His jaw remained segmented as he stood over me. His face was set, hard, about as hard at the fat erection waving in the air, tentatongues out on display. I got the feeling he was hiding something from me somehow through our connection but was lost as to figure that out. That noise he made with his cheeks started up, his cock receding back into its cock hole, har-har, and he turned to make that sound at an eardrum shattering decibel towards where Yule sat pecking at the dripping bag of meat. Following where his gaze went, I sat up on my elbows. I didn't understand.

Yule quit pecking at the bag, following her companion’s gaze.

“Baumb?” I asked, tempted to drag the pelts over me as a chill threatened to overwhelm me.

Baumb turned to frown down at me. His gaze strayed to the prickles on my arms, where those cat-like eyes stayed for some time.

“What’s wrong? Baumb?” Suddenly self-conscious, I went to drag the pelt over me, to get growled at for it. “Okay,” my hands flopped back down and I plopped backwards, “I’m cool with freezing to death. Whatever you want, big guy. You’re the man in charge... obviously. I’m just the… human on display. Don’t mind me.”

Closing my eyes, I tried to think warm thoughts. Lying there with my legs dangling off the edge of the bed wasn’t particularly fun, but if it kept me from getting yelled at… I gave a mental shrug, wondering when I’d become the afraid to be kicked to the curb, beaten little woman. Not that he beat me, mind you, but I was acting afraid to fart in his presence, and that did not a good mating make. It was still better than being a Krampus’ doorknob.

He was still making that noise, which was awkward and disconcerting. What had I done now?

Helplessness threatened to consume me. I’d never understand any of this, never get any of it right. Baumb shifted closer. Cracking an eyelid open to find him looming over me, he snatched up the ends of the pelt beneath me and wrapped my upper body in it like a furry blanket burrito. Frowning, I just laid there and watched, compliant and a little confused.

“Can we finish sexing it up first?” I mumbled uncertainly. Or was that off the table now because I was somehow an asshole mate person, or Ded was an asshole Krampus...Krampen? Kraumpenssus?

Taking another pelt, he wrapped it around my lower half and picked me up to set me on the middle of the bed. Climbing in after me, he settled his jaw back into place and curled himself around me protectively. Resting his chin atop my head, a long, loose skin at his neck filling hiss left him.

Freeing one of my hands, I slid it over his to cup it. A forlorn noise left him as my cool skin, even bundled up as I was, pressed into Copyright 2016 - 2024