The Snowmaiden, A Bride for Krampus - Jeanette Lynn Page 0,57

please just let me stay. Once I was finished, I dared a peek at the male to find him scowling down at me so hard I feared I’d screwed up right out the gate and he wasn’t the forgiving kind.


Scuttling closer, I shot up, lunging, wrapping my arms around his middle to squeeze him to me tight. My fingers locked around his wide lower waist and I clung like I’d become human duct tape. Like hell was he just going to get rid of me so easily.

“I’m sorry,” I babbled louder. “I’ll do whatever you want, even the freaking weird shit Ass Krampus and Behemoth Krampus wanted. I won’t say a word. Hell, I’ll give a shot at licking yours if you’re into that shit, I don’t care. Just don’t make me go back in there!” I felt like I’d cried all the tears I had in me at the moment, leaving me trembling where I grasped him tight, weak kneed, choking out the words.

A soft, sad sound warbled out of that massive chest. “Loo-me,” he garbled out. His hand raked over the top of my head, ruffling my hair. No goodbyes. I’ll take a pity keeping. I had no shame. It had gone out the window a Shnikel Krampus ago.

Fearing he meant to try and dislodge me to be rid of me, I tensed and clung so hard my arms burned. “Please keep me!” I cried out desperately.

It was completely and totally official, I was a nutter. I’d gone mad enough to actually want a mountain beast man creature to keep me.

This one. Just this one.

When I continued to act like the panicked woman that wanted to marry him after one good dicking and he just wanted off this coaster, maybe, he held perfectly still while I acted as crazy as I felt.

The longer this went on, the quicker I calmed, until I forced myself to unhook my person from him. If I made him really mad by refusing to leave, would he get mad enough to actually hurt me? Did I want to find out?

Pulling back, sniffling, my arms fell limply to my sides. Who was I kidding? I couldn’t live without a Krampus on the line to help a gal out, and Baumbel was showing a possessive side that told me if he did somehow decide I was worth holding, Krampus floozy ass and all, he wouldn’t appreciate my, erm, dicking around elsewhere, necessity or not.

No matter what, I was dead meat.

Clearing my throat, I craned my neck to meet his gaze. “I’m sorry.” I tried to meet his gaze, but, really, it felt like marching to the guillotine more than sucking it up and trying to be smart about all of this. “I’ll just… collect the furry idiot and go.”

Slowly maneuvering around him, careful not to make any sudden moves that might startle him, I’d just reached the wall Ded had been pinned to like a tacked note on a cork board when Baumb let out a deep rumble that had me freezing. Stepping back from where my hand was raised to grab Ded’s horn and give it a tug, the Krampus ignoring me in favor of glaring at Baumb off behind me, I slowly turned to face the Baumbel, swallowing thickly when he let loose an ugly growl.

“I was just getting him… I thought…”

Baumbels moved impossibly fast, like a Krampus with a turbo boost or something. One moment I was next to Ded, wondering just how I was going to get his ass down, the next I was scooped up, carried over to Baumb’s sleeping platform, and I had three hundred, four hundred, or perhaps more, pounds of churring, attentive Baumbel caging me in, atop me.

“Baumb,” I blurted, heart pounding so hard as other parts of me came rushing back online. As the panic fled, I was nearly vibrating in place.

“Loo-me Baumb,” he ground out gutturally as he lifted my hand, his jaw shifting so all three tongues could come out to play and rasped them over my hand. Placing my hand on his chest, over a little bud of a nipple on a fat pec, he picked my other hand up to give it the same treatment. That white and purple, curved hunk of Baumbel meat thickening between his legs began to slide free of its pouch. The slit that housed his sex parted as the head popped free, a pearl of cum beading at the pointed tip of the long slit at the Copyright 2016 - 2024