The Snowmaiden, A Bride for Krampus - Jeanette Lynn Page 0,54

that was a good enough explanation for me.

The warmth of the broth that had filled me then had long ago dissipated, leaving the cold and hunger to slowly gnaw at me again. Toes cold, shivering even with the pelt I’d pilfered from the stack on the bed as I’d quietly slipped from it to take care of some pressing needs, I’d finished that, collected the broth cup, and was attempting to and failing at trying to manually drain the fun bags when the noises started.

Another wince left me. God. Why did it look so easy when a Krampus’ ass was doing it? Was there a manual release mechanism, safety feature, Krampus approved boob fillage blocker that made it harder somehow for their puny milk bag managers for humans to drain the stores? It felt like my tit was going to fall off working my breast with my fingers. There was a trick to it, I just hadn’t mastered it yet.

A peek over my shoulder at my new bed buddy had me pausing to contemplate waking him and seeking out an assist, but the beast man had to have been positively beat to pass out the way he had. Baumbel was… I liked the guy, strange as that was for me. He was the beastliest of the bunch, and yet he really wasn’t. He was… Baumbel was unique, one of a kind. I doubted I’d ever encounter another like him. He was soft and sweet to me. I felt safe and cared for with the big guy. His bark had bite, bite your head right off, but he’d never turned it on me. In the same turn, a sense of protectiveness toward him had suffused me. Me, the tiny human milk bag, wanted to protect the giant of a snow beast.

Why the hell else hadn’t I woken him up and entreated him to give a gal a hand?

Because Baumbel didn’t seek the girls out for sustenance. He did it as an act towards me, for me, and the way he did it… A shudder wracked me, followed by a tingles in all the right places kind of shiver. With the expiration date for my birth control soon drawing near, just on the horizon—I knew it in my gut—I’d be knocked up with the Cassanova of snow beast’s monster babies in no time. Honestly, from him, there was a part of me that would welcome trying.

A slow smile started to spread across my face. I’ve totally lost my mind. I’ve completely and utterly lost it. What was I talking about babies and such for? Just barely met the male, spent a wild and wooly night with him and I’m sounding like Abominable bride bells are ringing? Another wince left me as I worked my left breast for a few measly squeezes of breast milk, followed up with a cringe as a certain fuzzy lined tan and brown face intruded into my thoughts. Shnikel. My smile fell.

Unlike Shnikel, who’d up and left for cryptic reasons I was beginning to wonder may just have been him wanting to get back to his Hinter folk, I glanced over my shoulder again to stare at the Baumbel softly snoozing away. Baumb, as I’ve decided to nickname him for his explosively protectively personality— as evidenced by the ugly spider thing that had scurried too close to us as we snuggled and sipped broth and my paranoid ass had panicked, and then he’d promptly roared at the twelve legged alien bug for daring to scare me and smashed it to smithereens—would never leave me. I supposed the phrase should be, he’d never let me go, as in never allow me to leave whether I ever wanted to or not. I didn’t want to leave him. It felt nice to feel wanted in a non-milk bag and warm wet hole to take advantage of kind of way. I had that utterly possessive guarantee as his leg kicked in his sleep and a churring purr left him, my name on his lips as he snuggled the pillow-like lump of pelts I’d fallen asleep on as if it was me, he wasn’t about to leave me.

After Shnikel, I was hard pressed to belong. I felt so damned lost and the Baumbel was offering me the very thing I desired.

That weird shuffling sounded again.

Alarm filled me when I spotted the peek of horns popping up around the side of a glacier-looking ice wall.

But I knew those horns.

“Ded,” I whispered.

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