The Snowmaiden, A Bride for Krampus - Jeanette Lynn Page 0,49

with it three strange antenna looking tendrils on either side of his head raised. Short, thin stemmed protrusions with tear-drop-bulbed ends, that glowed with that crystal blue light, waved gently in the air. Standing out just above his fur, tentacle like attachments, I wondered as to their purpose.

Frowning, noting it seemed a little brighter in here, I gasped as my gaze was drawn to the water. The crystal pieces lining the deep well flashed, glowing in a dazzling display.

“You’re doing that,” I whispered, grinning suddenly. My gaze met his and he went to smile again but grunted and frowned, as if he remembered his toothy displays frightened me.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized. “You can smile. I won’t freak out. You know, just don’t eat me.” Going for a laugh, it didn’t sound like I found any of this humorous in the least. Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I licked my lips. He wasn’t attacking me or trying to frighten me. He’d saved me, helped me, and now he’d healed me. The Baumbel was my savior in all this.

I had to admit, for a big bad scary mountain monster, there was something… sweet about him, endearing.

Was I really thinking the Baumbel was cute? You know, when he was being all super sweet and cuddling and wasn’t going tri-face split to bite a head off and spit it out.

Watching him watching me, adjusting my hold on him so my arm was resting on his shoulder, taking a chance and curling my fingers over the back of his neck, my free hand lifted, hesitant. Biting my lip, I was just about to reach out and touch one of those glowing tendrils, see what it felt like, adjusting my grip on him with my legs to get a better reach, when a deep, clipped series of guttural churring sounds left him and he grumbled, “Baumbel.”

My hand shot back at the sound, wondering if he was rebuking me. “I’m sorry. Oh my god, I didn’t know,” I blurted, bringing my hand to my chest to cradle it between my breasts.

The action drew his gaze to my cleavage, of which the girls had not let up and were slowly starting to leak. Ripe coconuts the size of melons. Who’s thirsty? Ugh.

Softening his tone, rumbling softly in some beast speak, fast paced gibberish I had no hope of even trying to decipher, he leaned in. One of the hands moving to keep us afloat slid up my back slowly, testing its welcome. His forehead found mine, his tusks perilously close to my face, the ivory colored protrusions so large I could fit my face between them, touch his thick lips to mine, and still be comfortable. Green eyes found mine, held, as his hand slid up. My hips shifted as my heart rate instantly kicked up.

The jabbering gibberish never ended, a steady stream with that soothing tone as he smoothed a hand over one of my breasts, taking note of the fullness, milk leaking from the tip, and just as gently set it back down. Noting my wince, he brushed his chin along my hairline and then pulled back.

Grabbing onto the edge of the lip of the pool, he turned us and began to heft himself out. With a series of clicking noises in his throat, he had his beast pet creature hopping up to disappear. Once he’d cleared the pool, he pressed his hand tightly to my back and began shaking himself out like a wet dog. Along for the ride, a laugh burst out of me. It was just so damn weird it hit my funny bone.

Pausing, tentacle ear bulbs popping back out, I noted other little glow spots, like large freckles, cropping up on his large frame.

“That’s pretty cool,” I murmured, running my fingers over a glow spotted section near his bicep.

That deep, guttural churring started up. Much calmer as it cropped up this time, I glanced up at him and pressed my hand experimentally to his chest. One of my eyebrows arched and I cocked my head. “You’re… purring?”

He did it again, both of his hands going to my back to hold me to him easily. He seemed content to just hold the drippy haired, damp human. Beasties got friendly real quick up in here.

“I’m almost jealous,” I mumbled, smiling when he did it so long and loud the noise sent me tingling from head to toe.

“Baumbel,” he fairly barked at me.

Staring at him curiously, wondering what I was supposed to say Copyright 2016 - 2024