The Snowmaiden, A Bride for Krampus - Jeanette Lynn Page 0,46

back and tear his throat right out in one swift move. Blood spurted everywhere, warmth splattering all of us in a macabre mess.

Ded’s cock finally let up, allowing him to slip free off me. Behemoth grabbed him by the throat and chucked him like a rag doll. Ded’s head made a horrible cracking noise as he landed, skidding to a stop to still. His head rested at an odd angle. Ded’s eyes remained closed. He didn’t get back up.

Oh god. Ded...

Kicking Ass’ lifeless corpse away like a dirty tissue with a careless, fat hoofed kick, Behemoth’s hand clapped to my ass. I jumped hard, the action as my rump stung sending the fat knob trying to pop past that tight ring pressing harder.

“No,” I howled. Something snapped inside of me. It was fight or flight and I had nowhere to run. Kicking out at him, he snarled and slapped his paw of a mitt down on my ass again. Baumbel momentarily forgotten, he slammed his claws into my side and began to rake them down my lower back. Growling angrily in his throat, he pulled out a little, legs tensing, hips shifting. He was going to tear me forcing me to take him like this. I didn’t want this, sure as hell didn’t want him. I continued to fight him, fruitless as it was. I’d go down fighting. And the first chance I got, he was dead.

Thick thighs forced mine apart, he was preparing to ram right home, but right as he started to proceed, a snarl on his hiss-clenched lips, another almighty roar echoed throughout the cavern, so close a mad case of tinnitus that shook me overtook me. One moment Behemoth was there, ready to rape me to death, the next he was gone, like his ass had been plucked clean up.

Scrambling to turn around, shoving my bum down onto the ground to hover in place, my arms wrapping around my middle, I whipped around just in time to watch a larger than life Baumbel lift Behemoth up in a fat paw, six fat fingers with short but sharp claws digging into Behemoth’s throat. Dragging his body closer to him as it dangled in his grip, green eyes lit, began to glow.

Those sharp eyes narrowed, heavy, heavily furred brow drawing down into a fierce scowl. His insanely thick, wide chest puffed up. A long tail that split into two at the end flicked angrily behind him. There wasn’t a single part of the beast that didn't give me pause, from the long hair at his back that lifted, his fur properly ruffled, the short fur covering his body fluffed up and puffed out with the rest of him, to his impossibly thick neck and large head, and last but not least, a lower jaw that jutted, supporting two thick tusks that hugged the corners of his wide jaw.

And then the Baumbel opened his mouth, exposing a wide, fat, flat purple tongue with two smaller ones on either side that moved with it in tandem. Baumbel went from Snow Orc to straight up alien when his jaw separated, the skin of his cheeks pulled back to puff up, his tusks jutting straight forward instead of up. A triangular flap of flesh his tongues rested on, coming to a point, rattled in an ungodly sound, the filled flaps at his cheeks shaking along with it. Upper fangs slid free, row after long, sharp row of them all at once.

I could only sit there and gape and watch.

Behemoth, tiny in comparison, shrieked, choked splutters leaving him as he kicked uselessly. My, how the tables have turned, I thought with no small amount of satisfaction as Baumbel just bit Behemoth’s head clean off and spat it out towards the other Krampus cowering over near the small alcove with a pool of water they drank from.

Snarling at Behemoth’s headless corpse as it continued to spurt blood and twitch, he tossed it aside. Turning, tail slapping at the ground, he lifted one of his wide, four toed feet, thick claws scraping the ground, and kicked cave floor dirt at the decapitated corpse.

When green eyes found me and held, he dropped down to all fours, wide shoulders popping up. He gracefully prowled closer, like a large alien cat. A weird churring sound hit my ears. His jaw was back to tusks jutting up. His throat trembled as he made the noise. It was the alien coo of a deadly beast. He was churring at me?

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