The Snowmaiden, A Bride for Krampus - Jeanette Lynn Page 0,40

meant there was time to find a way out of here by myself before I had to worry about possibly spawning a new generation of Krampus babies.

“Tomorrow is the day,” he whispered. When he said the day, I knew he meant The Day, the big C event.

“You’re leaving tomorrow,” I responded flatly, resigned to his decision. I wouldn’t keep a male that didn't want to stay.

“After the culling,” he admitted hesitantly.

If my heart dipped any farther it would sink right down into the mountain cave floor. “I- I suppose we should make tonight count then.” I couldn’t meet his gaze. He’d see it and then I’d lose it.

“I love you,” he said, out of all of the things he could have said. Lips pressed to my forehead.

“I know,” I said simply, closing my eyes and tipping my face up to meet his eager mouth.

A groan left him as I put everything I had, every bit of emotion I felt for him into that simple action.

One night. Tonight. That’s all we had left.

I’d be damned if I wasn’t going to make the best of it.


Nestled in the cubby compartment hidey-hole once more, the same series of disturbing noises issuing from elsewhere in the caves as they had a short couple of months ago, my Elkfen lover stared at the dirt above us, listening. Snuggled in his arms, my ear pressed over his heart, I focused on the steady thump-thump, trying to tune out whatever horrors might be occurring right over our heads.

It was on the tip of my tongue to ask him when he had to leave, obviously after the Krampus removal services were done culling the herd once more. As many Krampus as they’d taken last time, a quarter of their numbers were already replenished. This Krampus sickness was sounding like some kind of Elkfen pandemic. So many had fallen to this sickness with no known cause?

When I’d jokingly suggested maybe it was because they’d given in to their naughty sides, he’d admitted he’d lied when the big guy had asked him if he knew what Bels had been doing in the archives. Bels had been looking for Krampus information after Tinstel, a fellow Elkfen teammate, had fallen ill, an act that was forbidden. He didn’t doubt Bels had talked Ded into doing something wicked as well. Elkfen were not inherently naughty, so much as naive, from what he was explaining. Well, Shnikel had gotten a crash course on the real world really quick.

He wanted to go back, knowing what he did now… Could he even go back to that now?

Even after the noises above had long ago left, we laid there. I wanted this moment to last forever. “You still haven’t shifted for me yet,” I whispered, placing a kiss between two thick pecs.

“I can’t anymore,” he admitted.

And you want to go back? I wanted to shout at him. I didn’t. I did none of the things I wanted to, hoping to change his mind. If you have to force it, it’s probably shit.

Sitting up, staring down at him, I slid my legs on either side of him. The pelt I was snuggled up in fell off my shoulders, pooling at my hips. Reaching for him, I grasped his shaft. He was at half-mast and quickly thickening as I began to work my hand up and down his length. A soft groan left him and he began to shift restlessly beneath me, even as his hands lifted the pelt and tried to bring it back around my shoulders.

He lost the pelt, a sharp gasp leaving him as I pulled his thick foreskin back, exposing that sucker to the chilly air, lifting up, lining us up, to start to sink down on him, and then let gravity do its thing.

There was a pinch of discomfort with my pleasure riding him like this. It tempered my movements as I began to ride him.

Thick, three fingered hands gripped my hips, kneading them as I ground down into him, swiveling my hips. The action pressed on my clit. My skin broke out in gooseflesh.

Sliding his hands up my back, one staying for the other to grab a handful of ass, he sat up. Dumping me backwards as he shifted in the small space. He was loath to disconnect us but wanted to lead the show. Maneuvering us so he could stand, he pressed my back into the wall. I moaned as my channel clenched around him and his cock jerked.

“Not yet,” he muttered, Copyright 2016 - 2024