The Snowmaiden, A Bride for Krampus - Jeanette Lynn Page 0,29

guy was a pro. There was nothing sexual to it. He just seemed... starving.

Once he was finished with the right breast, he went to town on the left one. When the right one didn’t immediately fill, my head fell back in relief. Maybe this was a one-time Snowmaiden miracle making occurrence? A one and done? Part of the deKrampus-ing process? Snowmaiden milk does a Krampus good? What the fuck did I know.

A hand clamped down on my hip and he began kneading it, working lower until he was massaging the spot my ass had kissed mountain prison cell floor.

Absently, my hand reached out experimentally and brushed across the fluff sticking out near his ear. It flicked as my hands tickled across it but he remained otherwise unperturbed. Again and again, growing bolder with each pass, I ran the tips of the fingers of one hand over the top of his head.

A grunt left him and he grabbed my free hand, slapping it to his chest, to continue with his booby prize harvesting.

I shouldn’t find the whole thing oddly soothing, yet I began yawning, one long, drawn out crack of my jaw after another.

A heavy hum started up in his chest as he released my nipple to lave his tongue over it after in some weird Krampus beastly thanks.

Shoving me to my side, grabbing my hands to force them to my chest, then curl his long claws around them, then his large frame around me until I was surrounded in him, his purring hum grew louder. Soon I was gone, lost in some sugar plum dreamland where an Elkfen two times thicker and wider than Ded, just bigger all around, chased me around fruitcake brambles and, once he’d caught me, kissed me in a river of hot cocoa near a forest of licorice. It was all fucking weird, but if I could have seen my face as I ran around in dreamland, I’d have taken note of the stupid, goofy grin I sported half the night.

Chapter 11

The snuffling woke me. Not thinking anything of it, Dad’s labs Curly and Shemp were right boogers after they came in from their early morning pee break, my hand lifted to search them out. Chuckling, I absently petted at the one lapping at my shoulder. But then a clicking sound and a crackling purr that shouldn’t belong to a dog cranked up, vibrating at my back. It was the rooting around, nibbling at my nape, my skin starting to prickle as sharp teeth slowly sank deep and the cold starting to trickle in on my sense of warmth and seep into my bones, combined, that had me glancing up sleepily.

To say that I balked was an understatement. My hands buried in a thick shoulder pelt, not a doggy head. He shivered at my touch. The face staring down at me, belonging to the being I’d been brought here to “help”, was not one I could blame his own mother for grimacing at. Krampus were not anything fun to look at.

Granted, he was looking much better today, his hollow cheeks filled out a bit more, maybe a bit of color to his ashen greyish blue skin beneath all that fur, even a hint of some tan in that white face if my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me, but he was still very much the nightmare I’d conked out with curled around me.

“Uhm… hi?” I blurted, as he just stared and blinked down at me, then stared and blinked some more. His eyes were a lighter blue now, almost frosted, a rim of white silver encircling ocean blue irises.

Shifting, pulling back a little, ignoring the warmth starting to caress its way down my shoulder bite, shooting into my spine, and quickly spreading to other extremities to warm me right up, the pain fading as fast as it had come on, I eyed the beast a little better.

Tiny buds of points had sprouted up overnight on the base of his horns and he was most definitely sporting some browner bits of fur. Burnt sienna and chocolate brown fluff hugged his hips while a lighter, biscuit colored tan and grey was covering his significantly more filled out abdomen than last night and parts of his chest. No way had he had one go of these jugs and magically put on so much weight.



Glancing down at the girls, I gave a grunt. Huh. Got milk? Apparently my Snowmaiden jug juice, har-har, cured what ails ya for a Krampus, and Copyright 2016 - 2024