The Snowmaiden, A Bride for Krampus - Jeanette Lynn Page 0,12

hooves shuffled in the snow as he shifted from hoof to hoof. Swallowing past the saliva filling his mouth at the memory of the way she smelled, like raspberry licorice ropes with the sweet cream filling inside them and the snow she’d been tromping through. And when she’d been startled… there was a spiciness to her aroma. A funny noise filled his chest, causing Bels to glance at him suddenly with wide eyes.

Blinking, the Elkfen glanced down at his chest. His hand rubbed the spot. “What was that?” Ded asked.

Bel’s lips parted, his mouth slowly opening. “I- I don’t know. It wasn’t you?”

“Of course not,” Ded lied, the first and only fib he’d ever told. It came so easily to him it startled him. He knew he mustn’t lie, it was one of the tenants of being on The Team, but it was like he couldn't help himself. How could he admit this strange feeling to his friend? It had just... happened. And now that he’d told the lie, he didn’t want to admit this slight in him to anyone else. He’d keep it and it would be his.

One more glance at the house and he felt that rumble wanting to start up in his chest again. What would she taste like? Feel like? Would her skin be as soft as her silky, long looking head fur? The impure thoughts assailed him, one after the other, until his feet were moving, taking him towards her back door.

A yank on his arm brought him to. Glancing to his left, he peered down at the Elf at his side and it was like sense came back to him. The tiny claws digging into his arm kept him grounded.

“Not yet, you fool,” Bels hissed. “Not until she falls asleep!”

What did she wear sleeping? Ack. Ded shook his head. Something was wrong with him. “Why do we have to wait until she’s sleeping?” And before he could stop himself, “What if she sleeps without her sleep coverings?”

Bels blinked. “It would certainly make it easier to detract her from running once we have her,” Bels mumbled uncertainly under his breath. The Elf eyed Ded funny. “You’re sure you’re alright?”

“I said I was, didn’t I?” Ded snapped, scowling down at him.

Bels glanced away under Ded’s intense regard. “Right,” he clipped out, pretending to buff his claws on his jolly vest. “Just fine.”

“Exactly,” the Elkfen muttered, shuffling away from him a ways so he couldn’t see the funny reaction he was having to thinking certain things about the curvy Snowmaiden. Ded liked curves, he decided, once more eyeing the strange bench stool, defecating device. What would she look like, were she to sit on it, he wondered. Scrubbing a hand down his face, he was tempted to dump his bum into the snow and scoop the icy cold slush down over his groin. Ded groaned internally. A slither of fear made its way up his spine as he took note of a few things, a few very strange and alarming things.

He was feeling out of sorts, a sudden onset. Was that not one of the symptoms of the sickness?

No. Not possible. He wasn’t a naughty Elkfen. He was good. His thoughts were fleetingly curious, he’d admit, but he was no different than any other. This was all nature. He was fine. “I’m fine,” he whispered, then plopped his bottom down and began scooping up snow by the arm-swipes-full to dump it onto the thickening of his shaft.

Chapter 7


I’d fallen asleep at some point, the player eventually finishing and the laptop screen timing out. I had no idea what time it was, how long I’d been sleeping, but I was certain of one thing as I began to stir and a startled gasp issued too close for comfort: I was not alone.

With my purse near my bags across the room, my options for self-defense were limited. My body tensed, readying for what was to come next, though my face remained lax, as if I was still asleep.

A clank sounded. “Ow. Blasted- What are you doing just standing over her, Ded? Stop staring at her like a Santa sized chocolate and douse her?!”

Douse me? Like hell! Popping up, grabbing my laptop to swing it at the closest warm body, I hit the tall figure in shadow first.

A shocked shout rent the air and the tall shadow fell. Sparkles flew from his hand, dusting the air. They shot up to come dancing down, a dazzling display of crackling silver and Copyright 2016 - 2024