Snared (Kaliya Sahni #2) - K.N. Banet Page 0,7

a half years ago, he wasn’t that man. Hearing about you two and finally getting the chance to see you together made me realize it was somewhat because of you.”

“His father leaving the throne and abandoning the fae didn’t help,” I whispered, sipping my whiskey.

“No, it didn’t, but let’s talk about something else while we leave the boys to their own devices. How are you and Raphael?”

“Cassius told you, didn’t he?” I asked very softly.

“Told me what?” she asked brightly, but when I looked at her face, I knew she knew.

“We’re fine. Nothing’s going on. He works out. I work. He eats a lot.” I decided it wouldn’t be prudent to tell Sorcha any more than that, not that there was much to tell. I stared at Raphael a lot, and most of the time, I wanted to crawl up his furnace of a body and feel the heat in places I shouldn’t. Such was the way of being a naga exposed to a potential mate. My fangs ached painfully just thinking about it.

What killed me a little inside was he never noticed. I almost wanted him to. My brain didn’t. Oh no, I was too smart for my brain to be okay with the situation, but my sex drive had a mind of its own.

Sorcha’s smirk didn’t disappear, but she didn’t press for more. When Paden came back with a bottle, we walked to the table with him. Cassius gave Sorcha an annoyed look, then took the bottle of wine with an eye roll, something I didn’t expect from him.

“You aren’t funny,” he whispered to his wife.

“I’m hilarious,” she retorted. “Now, drink your wine like a good noble and keep your reputation untarnished while I get drunk with Kaliya.”

I snorted, covering my face before I spat out the whiskey in my mouth.

“What if I wanted to get drunk?” he asked, a small smile forming.

“You’re not allowed to get drunk with Kaliya,” she reminded him, leaning in to kiss him. “From the stories I’ve heard, you get in trouble when you drink with Kaliya, though…” Sorcha turned and winked at me. “If either of you ever wants to revisit that relationship you once had, just let me know, and I’ll get the tequila out. Just let me be in the room.”

My face heated, something I wasn’t expecting. Raphael coughed beside me, and when I turned to him, his face gave away that his mind went to the same place mine did.

Sorcha had just invited me to a threesome.

Sorcha’s gaze followed mine. I tracked her through the corner of my eye, and when she looked at Raphael, something devious bloomed on her face.

“What about you, Raphael?” She swatted Cassius’ arm and smiled. “He’s handsome in that rough way, right? We don’t see it often among the fae. Everyone goes for the most ethereal looks and keep themselves so proper and clean, but you and I know how to appreciate that rough look.” Her glamour fell away as if she was using it to prove her point. Her ears lengthened into what humans would think of as elves. Her eyes were too big and her cheekbones were high and sharp. Her face was no longer soft in any way, looking angular like someone had carved her out of stone.

Cassius only gave his wife a bored look as if he was used to this and didn’t feel like playing along. Maybe it was because I knew him so well, but I was certain only Sorcha and I caught the amused glint in his eyes. Her glamour went back up as she batted her eyes innocently.

“Oh. Um. I’m not…no, thank you. I’m not looking to get involved in anything right now.” Raphael cast me a look that screamed for me to save him, but I knew there was no saving him. There was something else in his expression, but I didn’t understand what it was. I had never seen Sorcha act this bold before. I hadn’t known it was something she had in her.

“I can’t blame you,” she said with a husky chuckle. “If I lived with a hot thing like Kaliya, I wouldn’t be looking for anything, either. I’m amazed Cassius got away from her and ended up with me.”

“Now you’re just flattering me,” I said, quickly finishing my whiskey and lifting the empty glass for Henley or Paden to see. I was beginning to think inviting Sorcha out for drinks wasn’t the safest of ideas. I looked at Cassius, hoping he had Copyright 2016 - 2024