Snared (Kaliya Sahni #2) - K.N. Banet Page 0,60

out the clear winner, or did they barely survive the night? “I’m not sorry we left to get the word out, but damn, I feel for whoever was left fighting here.”

“Agreed.” Raphael was glued to my side, and I couldn’t help but notice how he had a hand hovering over my lower back as if he was about to catch me or something. It was an old school move. His body was angled, and he could reach over me to get a door Korey obviously tried to slam in my face. It left his chest to me as I walked through behind the angry new Alpha.

On the other side of this last door, Eliphas waited, a bandage over his eyes but otherwise healthy-looking. There was another witch, a woman standing behind him, holding a phone with a look of disgust.

“I can’t believe they think we can’t handle this,” the witch muttered, her eyes falling on me.

“Well, obviously…” I lifted both my hands and gave her a look, hoping she understood what I was saying without needing me to put her in her place. “Look, I’m here because this is out of control. Any internal investigation you run won’t be as fast, and you know everyone and have biases. I don’t. I dislike everyone equally. For the most part. In the end, I just need to know how this happened, and you’re going to help me. The sooner we know how this happened, the sooner we can make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

“Why don’t you go out and do your actual job?” the witch snapped angrily. “You’re an Executioner. Go out there, fucking kill the escapees, and leave us—”

“Stop,” Eliphas said quietly. “We don’t have time to argue with Kaliya. She’s backed by the Tribunal. I’m sure she knows what her duties are.”

I smiled, and even though he couldn’t see me, he smiled back.

“Thank you,” I said to the rough-looking witch in charge. “So, let’s get started. Was there anything happening in the prison I need to know about? Before the breakout or during?”

“No,” Korey said immediately. “We were following every procedure to the letter, and there was nothing unusual going on yesterday.”

I looked at her again, seeing she had found a seat and was comfortable. She seemed more upset at my presence than she was about anything else.

“Okay, I’ll accept that for now, but when I ask again later, don’t try to lie to me again.” I looked at my roommate and sighed. “Let’s go talk to someone else. The guards and inmates still alive will probably be more willing to talk than the leaders hoping to save their reputations.”

“Excuse me, bitch—”

My fangs dropped at the sound of her growling words. My hand was on the hilt of my sword as the chair fell from her sudden movement. She took a step, and it was free, the sharp tip of the steel against her chest.

“I’m an animal, too, faster and deadlier,” I whispered. “Don’t play with me. Something here is fishy. Something was going on. Now, you can keep your secrets, but they won’t stay secret for long. I love a good mystery and fully intend to discover every little thing that’s been hidden. Answers are needed, and I’ll be damned if the new Alpha, needing to prove herself, stops me from getting those fucking answers.” I pushed the sword slightly, letting it dig into the werewolf’s Kevlar vest. “Remember what I said at the door, werewolf.”

Eliphas stood up slowly and waved a hand. Korey stepped back out of my range. When she and I were distanced, the witch looked at me.

“Ask all the questions you want, Kaliya. I have no secrets, and if there are secrets being kept by my fellow Wardens, it’s high time they come to light.”

“Thank you,” I said, nodding respectfully at the witch. He nodded back.

I walked out with Raphael, knowing where I was going. Remembering the escape, I wondered how I got so turned around. Thinking back, I realized it had been Erline. If it hadn’t been for her, Raphael and I would have got out much faster. She always did freak me out.

She’s dead now. She won’t be creeping around the halls or scaring me half to death anymore.

I went to the guards first, deciding to check the infirmary. They all looked up as I entered, some distrustful, others strangely relieved. There were fae in the room, looking confused, probably hoping for their Warden to come back, but as far as I knew, Copyright 2016 - 2024