A Slow Burning Fire - By J.F. Jenkins Page 0,37

“Because I do want to document this moment of my life. Just don't post it all over the Internet.”

She scowled, hurt by the warning. “You should know me better than that. When have I ever done anything on there? I mean, besides the obvious work-related things. People have asked me to run a social media page, but I like my private life to stay private for a lot of reasons.”

“Just like me.” He nodded. “I was teasing you.”

“Oh, right,” she mumbled and closed her eyes.

“You're edgy today.”

She attempted a casual smile but wasn't sure if she pulled it off. “It's the six-in-the-morning, no-shower-or-breakfast day I'm having.”

Bryce relaxed his arms and set the pitchfork aside. He walked toward her and gazed down at her with eyes that were wide awake and sparkling in the sunlight streaming through the windows. “It's too early to be having such a sour attitude. I mean, the day's just starting. Don't be so quick to judge it just because of a few minor things. Besides, who wants to take a shower before working with these beauties?” He patted Jojo's haunches. “They're great ladies, but they're kind of smelly.”

“Oh, believe me, I know. I have been where you are right now, and I do not envy your job in the slightest. At the same time, it helps wake me up.” She winked. “You're taking to this rather naturally. I'm kind of surprised.”

“Why? Just because I'm from the city doesn't mean I'm incapable of getting down and dirty when I need to.” He gasped in mock surprise.

She smiled and picked up the brush so she could groom the cows. Not all farmers took the time to bond with their cattle. Since there were only two of them on the family farm, it was easier to get attached to the animals. Arial liked how friendly it made the cows, which was part of the reason she had a hard time eating beef. Her new friends would eventually be taken to slaughter. While she was grateful for the sacrifice and all they provided, they were still her friends just like the bond she had with the dog and cat. Jojo and Pieces were just like any other family pet to her.

With a shrug, she brushed the cow in slow, smooth strokes. “Some people have it in their blood to do this kind of rough work. Other people, not so much. You've always been a hard worker and willing to take on any challenge presented to you, no doubt about it. And you've never been afraid of getting messy. At the same time, you've only lived in the suburbs. The most complicated animal you've ever cared for is a cat. You're usually more into being stylish and suave than…” She gestured at his outfit. “It took me by surprise, that's all. Maybe the country is a little in your blood after all.”

“Maybe I want it to be if it's not,” he said. His hand ran over Jojo's fur. “I can see why you get attached to them. They're fascinating. Pieces licked me today. I had no idea they had scratchy tongues.”

She laughed. That was such a city thing of him to say, and adorable. Just the fact that he wanted to try so hard in the first place was sweet. When Bryce committed to something, though, he did it with one-hundred-and-ten percent of everything he had to offer. What she couldn't tell was how long the devotion would last. Would he stick around for the full summer or get bored and want to move on? She knew him well enough to know he liked a lot of spontaneity and variety. For a long time, she was surprised he stayed on the show for its entire run. He'd told her many times he wanted to see what else was out there for him. Ohio could have been just another random adventure for him to try.

“Why are you here, Bryce?” she asked, setting the brush down.

He rubbed at his arms slowly. “You asked me to come, remember? It was your suggestion.”

“But why did you agree to come?”


Bryce was having a hard time looking her in the eyes. Not because he had anything to hide, but because she had this way of making him feel weak in the knees and all kinds of vulnerable. He'd spent a good deal of the past few days rebuilding a lot of his strength from when his life had been turned upside down. One look, and she'd have

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